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Getting Started with Advanced Tools
Advanced tools include custom applications that help OvalEdge users to explore and manage the data. The Advanced Tools in the OvalEdge application consists of various self-service tools to perform different functions.
OvalEdge provides a comprehensive toolset to perform certain advanced tasks. Advanced tools consist of custom applications that let the user track changes, compare schemas, compare profile results, and thereby enable users to explore further their data objects.
Advanced Toolset comprises the following tools:
- Impact Analysis – This tool helps you to understand the upstream and downstream impact of any changes that are made to the data objects. See more.
- Alerts – This tool is used to create alerts to notify users about a specific data activity. See more.
- Lineage Maintenance – This tool allows you to build lineage manually by adding a source and destination object for the selected data object. See more.
- Build Auto Lineage- This tool is used to build lineage automatically by parsing queries/ source code. While building the lineage from queries, in case of failure of a query parsing the tables and columns associated with it to build the lineage, those failed queries are viewed, manually corrected, and processed using Build Auto Lineage. See more.
- Compare Schemas – This tool provides users the ability to compare different schemas or the same schema between two different time ranges to identify the metadata changes. See more.
- Compare Profile Results – This tool is used to compare data tables within the same database and across different databases over a time period to identify the statistical data changes. See more.
- Load metadata from files- This tool allows users to load metadata information of different data objects in a specified template to perform various actions. See more
- Data & Metadata Changes - This tool allows users to understand the data and metadata changes of the data objects over a period of time. See more.
- Temp Lineage Correction - This tool allows replacing the temporary objects with the original objects by merging their lineages. See more.
- Upload File or Folder - This tool allows users to upload files and folders from their computers. See more.
- OvalEdge API - This tool allows users to access OvalEdge APIs. See more.
Copyright © 2019, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners GA USA