Advanced Tools

Temp Lineage Correction

The connectors in the OvalEdge application allow you to build lineage automatically using Build Auto Lineage or manually from the scripts to understand the Data Movement. The lineage-building process requires the associated objects to display the Data Movement. In the absence of Original associated objects, the application builds a temporary association to build lineage. After crawling the original schemas and tables, the temp objects are replaced with these original objects. The Temp Lineage Correction module allows replacing the temporary objects with the original objects by merging their lineages.

Example: If you are building a lineage for the superstore table, from the SSIS connection, and the upstream object is from the Mysql connection, and the downstream object is from the Snowflake server, if both Mysql and Snowflake connections are not crawled to the OvalEdge application, the lineage will be built using the temp temple. When you crawl the Mysql connection, the original tables will be fetched to the database. In the Advanced Tools > Temp Lineage correction, you can view the temp tables, and recommended (original) tables after selecting the temp schema. In the Temp Lineage Correction, you can merge the temp table with the original table using the available merge icon, or choose a table to merge option from the Nine dots.

Temp Lineage Correction

When you navigate to Temp Lineage Correction via Advanced Tools > Temp Lineage Correction, it will display a pop-up window to choose the Temp Schema. The drop-down menu in the Choose Temp Schema pop-up displays all the temp schemas available in the application. You can choose the Temp Schema from the drop-down menu of the Choose Temp Schema pop-up for temp lineage correction. Select Run job with Schema or Run job with table from the Nine Dots to view the data on the Temp Lineage Correction page.

User Actions

A Change Schema button is enabled on the Temp Lineage Correction Page to change the Temp Connection.

The Temp Lineage Correction allows you to perform various tasks using the Nine dots icon.

  • Choose Table To Merge: This option allows you to choose a table available within the application for merging the selected Temp table.

Note: This option will be enabled after selecting a temp table only.

  • Run job with schema: This option allows you to display the list of original/recommended schema available within the application.
  • Run job with table: This option allows you to display the list of original/recommended tables available within the application.

The Temp Lineage Correction page displays the information such as Temp Connection, Temp Schema, Temp Table, Recommended Connection, Context, Recommended Schema, Recommended Table, and Merge. You need to select either Run job with schema or Run job with table as required from the Nine dots icon to view the below information.



Temp Connection

Displays the Name of the selected Temp Connection.

Temp Schema

Displays all the Temp Schema Names available within the Temp Connection.

Temp Table

Displays all the Temp Table Names available within the Temp Connection.

Recommended Connection

Displays the Recommended Connection Name to which the recommended Schema/table belongs.

Example: The recommended table name CUSTOMERSALES belongs to the connection Oracle-M. So, Oracle-M is the recommended connection name for the recommended table.


Displays the query used to build the temp lineage.

Recommended Schema

Displays the list of the original schema available in the application.

Recommended Table

Displays the list of the original table available in the application.


Displays the Merge icon to merge the Temp Schema/Table with the original Schema/Table.

Temp Lineage Correction Using Nine Dots

The Choose Table to Merge Nine Dots option allows choosing a table from the application apart from the recommended tables to merge the Temp table with the original one.

To Merge Table:

  1. Click on the Radio button to select the Temp table.
  2. Go to Nine dots to view all the Nine dots options. 
  3. Click on Choose Table To Merge, which will display the Choose Table to Merge pop-up.
  4. Enter the required details on the Choose Table to Merge pop-up, as shown below:
    1. Select by- There are two options to select a table, i.e: Search by Name and Search by Id. 
    2. Connection Name- Select the Connection Name from the dropdown.
      Note: This option will be enabled only when the Search by Name option is selected.
    3. Schema Name- Select the Schema Name from the dropdown.
    4. Table- Select the Table Name from the dropdown.
  5. Click on Apply Merge button.

Temp Lineage Correction Using Merge Icon

You can also merge a temp schema/table using the merge icon available on the temp lineage correction page. Before merging the temp schema/table it is required to use the process of column mapping to ensure that the column used in the temp lineage and the original lineage are the same.

Column Mapping

Column Mapping displays the columns used to build the lineage. During the Temp Lineage Correction using the column mapping, you can verify whether the column of the Temp table matches the column name of the recommended table or not.

To merge a temp schema/table using the merge icon:

  1. Select the table having the same schema name as the temp table is having.
  2. Check the availability of the original schema/table on the Data Catalog.
  3. Open the original table and temp table in different tabs.
  4. Click on the merge icon available against the schema/table you want to merge.
    After merging the Temp table with the original one, when you refresh the temp table > Lineage tab, it will display the “Table doesn’t exist” message on the screen.

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