Migration Process
This Migration Process outlines the steps required to migrate from OvalEdge R6.0.2 to R6.1.
Note: If migrating from the OvalEdge versions older than 6.0.2, Please Refer to the migration process described in the Release6.0.2 version.
Migrating from R6.0.2 to R6.1
License Changes
Please obtain a new license key if you are migrating to 6.1. The old license key will not work as we have introduced new types of user roles and connector add-ons.
To learn more about it, please refer to Release 6.1 License Types
Advance Jobs
This section lists the advanced jobs that need to be executed by customers migrating from R6.0.2 to R6.1 (The latest version).
- MIGRATE_USER_AND_CONNECTOR_LICENSE_TO_61: This job updates the User License Type based on current Permissions from previous versions to 6.1.
- Attributes: No Attributes are required for this job to run.
- Migrate Data To Denormalized Tables: By running this job user can Migrate Data To Denormalized(ext) Tables.
- Attributes: No Attributes are required for this job to run.
Creation and Deletion of Orphan ACLs: The purpose of the "Creation and Deletion of Orphan ACLs" job is to create or delete ACLs for orphan objects. In situations where data objects are added or removed within the application, there may be instances where the corresponding security controls for those objects are not properly added or removed. To address this, the "Creation and Deletion of Orphan ACLs" advanced job can be utilized to ensure the appropriate access controls are in place.
Attribute1: true/false
Specify "false" if you do not wish to delete orphan ACLs.
Specify "true" if you want to delete orphan ACLs.
Attribute2: true/false
Specify "false" if you do not wish to create ACLs for orphan objects.
Specify "true" if you want to create ACLs for orphan objects.
- Servicedesk V1: This advanced job helps to migrate existing service desk templates to a new version. This allows users to select existing templates and fill out the mandatory fields before raising service requests on multiple objects for multiple users.
- Attributes: No Attributes are required for this job to run.
Note: Refer to the Advanced Jobs article to know how to run an advanced job.
If oasis.properties is set up to read from an external location or if properties are configured in environment variables for Docker environments, please make the changes below.
The “Keys” listed below are removed in Release6.1.
- saml-metadata-type=url
- entity-base-islb=false
- entity-base-protocol=https
- entity-base-host=localhost
- entity-base-port=443
- entity-base-contextpath=/ovaledge
- entity-base-port-in-url=false
- spring.security.oauth2.tenantId=tenantId
There are a few modifications to the existing keys as mentioned in the following table
Existing Keys |
Renamed As |
azure.secretname.jdbcstring=jdbcstringurl |
secret.key.jdbcstring=jdbcstringurl |
azure.secretname.username=username |
secret.key.username=username |
azure.secretname.password=password |
secret.key.password=password |
azure.secretname.read.jdbcstring=readjdbcstringurl |
secret.key.read.jdbcstring=readjdbcstringurl |
azure.secretname.encryptdecryptkey=encryptdecryptkey |
secret.key.encryptdecryptkey=encryptdecryptkey |
azure.secretname.eshost=eshost |
secret.key.eshost=eshost |
azure.secetname.esport=esport |
secret.key.esport=esport |
azure.secretname.esprotocol=esprotocol |
secret.key.esprotocol=esprotocol |
azure.secretname.esusername=esusername |
secret.key.esusername=esusername |
azure.secretname.espassword=espassword |
secret.key.espassword=espassword |
The “Keys” listed below are newly introduced in Release 6.1.
New Key |
Value |
aws-secrets |
<true/false> |
aws-secretregion |
<aws region where the secret name exists> |
aws-secretname |
<secret name from which the parameters are read> |
hikari.connectionTimeout.in.seconds |
50 |
hikari.idleTimeout.in.minutes |
2 |
hikari.validationTimeout.in.seconds |
50 |
hikari.leakDetectionThreshold.in.seconds |
30 |
hikari.cachePrepStmts |
true |
hikari.prepStmtCacheSize |
250 |
hikari.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit |
2048 |
hikari.useServerPrepStmts |
true |
hikari.useLocalSessionState |
true |
hikari.rewriteBatchedStatements |
true |
hikari.cacheResultSetMetadata |
true |
hikari.cacheServerConfiguration |
true |
hikari.elideSetAutoCommits |
true |
Note: Refer to the AWS Secrets Manager Configurations article to know more about the newly added Keys.
ADFS Configuration
Run the below command in the ADFS server.
Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName targetName -SamlResponseSignature "MessageAndAssertion"
This command will fix the issue "no assertions found in the response"
Copyright © 2023, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners GA USA