
Advanced Jobs

Advanced jobs are micro applications that can be run only in the OvalEdge environment to meet specific needs. The advanced jobs enable you to update the data specific to modules or features using advanced algorithms and to undertake tasks that cannot be accomplished using a traditional process . 

Example:  In the OvalEdge application there is no conventional way to generate the statistic report in the Data Literacy Dashboard. So to generate and view the report you need to run the advanced job Build DashboardStats. After running this Advanced Job the report will be generated in the Data Literacy Dashboard.

You can navigate to Advanced Jobs via Administration > Advanced Jobs.

The Advanced Jobs displays information such as Id, Name, Type, Class, Help, Attribute1 to Attribute5, Job Status, Last Run On, and Available Roles.




Displays the unique ID for the advanced job.


Displays the name of Advance Job.


Displays the short name of the Advance Job


Displays the unique code/ logic given to the advance job in the backend.


Displays the functionality of the advanced job.

Example: For the Advanced Job Discover Relationships, the help column displays the function of that advanced job, i.e, This Job will discover the relationships.


Displays the parameters required to run the job. These fields are editable, and you can change the attribute values by using the Edit icon enabled on the attribute column.

Note: Some advanced jobs do not require any attribute.

Attribute fields in the advanced jobs require the user to input the data to efficiently run the job. The attributes column in the advanced job usually takes values related to connection id from the crawler page, file path, and schema ids. 

Job Status

Displays the status of the job. (Success or Error)

Last Run On

Displays the latest date when you have run the job.

Available Roles

Displays the Roles (OE_admin, OE_public, etc) assigned to that advanced job.

Add New Advanced Job

This feature allows you to add a new Advanced Job using the Nine dots icon.

To add a new Advanced Job, 

  1. Click on the Nine Dots icon, and select Add New Advance Job option. The Add New Advance Job pop-up window will be displayed.
  2. On the Add New Advance Job pop-up, fill in the below details.
    1. Name: Enter the advanced Job Name.
    2. Type: Enter the short name of the Job.
    3. Class: Enter the unique code/ logic given to the back-end's advanced job.
    4. Help: Enter the functionality of the advanced job
    5. Attribute level: Enter the required attribute name for different attribute types.
      Example: For the advanced job LDAP connection valid service, the attribute level can be LDAP URL.
      Attribute Name: Enter the attribute value.
      Example: ldaps:// is the attribute value for the advance job LDAP connection valid service,  and attribute type LDAP URL.
  3. Click on Add button to add the Advance Job. You will see a successful Job Completion message.

Delete Advanced Job

You can also delete an advanced job using the Nine dots icon.

To delete an Advanced job,

  1. Select the check box for the advanced job. 
  2. Click on the Nine Dots icon, and select the Delete Advance job option. A confirmation message pop-up window will be displayed.
  3. If you want to delete the job, click yes or click no. You will see a successful job completion message.

Run Advanced Job

A Run Advanced Job button available on the Advanced Job main page, helps you to run the Advanced Job.

To run an advanced job, 

  1. Select the checkbox available for the advanced job to enable the Run Advanced Job option.
  2. Click on the Run Advance Job option. A confirmation message will be displayed.
    If you want to run the job, click on the Submit button.  If not, click on the Cancel button. 
  3. Once you click on Submit button, a successful “message” is displayed.

Edit Advanced Job

An edit icon is enabled on the attribute column (1/2/3/4/5) against each advanced job to edit the attribute values.

To edit the attribute value.

  1. Click on the Edit icon available on the attribute column to display the Edit advance job pop-up.
  2. Enter the attribute values against the attribute type.
  3. Click on the Update button, which will display a successful message. You can see the updated attribute value on the advanced job main page on the attribute column.

Note: The attribute name is editable, but the attribute value is not editable.

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