Audit Trail helps a user to understand the history of activities done on OvalEdge. Through this a user can understand who has done a particular activity, when it was done and learn an activity summary.
Audit Trail Activities
A user can audit the following activities
- Users (Logins & User Roles)
- Crawlers
- Catalog (Terms,Tags,Tables & Queries)
- Remote (Roles, Users, Object Policies, Object Privileges)
Users (Logins & User Roles)
- Logins
Whenever a user logs in, details such as login ID, IP address, login time, logout time and duration (in mins), and login status (success/failed attempt) are recorded and displayed here.
- User Roles
Whenever the roles related to a user are changed, details such as a user ID (user for whom roles are changed), updated roles (new or modified roles), updated by (the user who has made the changes), updated on (date and time) and action (add/delete) are recorded and displayed here.

The results can be sorted by user ID and updated at fields in both ascending and descending order.
Catalog (Terms, Tags, Tables & Queries)
Whenever a term is associated or disassociated from an object, details such as object name, object type, term, action, updated, and the audit date (date and time when the changes are made) are recorded and displayed here.
The results can be sorted by object name, object type, term, and audit date fields in both the ascending and descending order.
- Tags
Whenever a tag is associated or disassociated from an object, details such as object name, object type, tag, action, updated, and the audit date (date and time when the changes are made) are recorded and displayed here.
The results can be sorted by object name, object type, tag, and audit date fields in both ascending and descending order.
- Tables
Whenever action taken on tables for insertion, deletion or updating with respect to an object, it records the details of audit date, updated by, with the user name is displayed here.
- Queries
Whenever a query is executed or downloaded, the audit date is recorded and displayed here with the user name who executed the query, type of query (for example SQL), query name and the query (for example insert query).

Whenever a crawler is created or deleted, details such as connection names, connection type, action, updated by, and audit date is recorded and displayed here.
The results can be sorted by connection name and audit date fields in both the ascending and descending order.
Remote (Roles, Users, Object Policies, Object Privileges)
- Remote Roles
Whenever remote roles are added or removed with respect to remote connection (Such as Snowflake), Remote Role, OvaleEdge Role, Source, Action taken (added or removed), Remarks, Audit User (user who has made the change) and Audit Date are recorded and displayed here.
- Remote Users
Whenever remote users with a remote roles are added or removed with respect to remote connection (Such as Snowflake), Remote User, OvaleEdge User, Remote Roles, Source, Action taken (added or removed), Remarks, Audit User (user who has made the change) and Audit Date are recorded and displayed here.
- Remote Policies
Whenever remote policy schemes get added or removed with the privileges to create or masking policy with respect to remote connection (Such as Snowflake), Action taken (policy added or failed), Remarks, Audit User (user who has made the change) and Audit Date are recorded and displayed here.
Note: Suffix of remote policy name is a text based upon the column type.
- Object Privileges
Object privileges (Database, Schema, Table) are given to user roles within the remote access permission
Whenever a remote role (Account Admin) of Object Types (Roles, Schema and Tables) having the privileges (Appy, Create, Execute) get added or removed with Action taken (policy added or failed), Remarks, Audit User (user who has made the change) and Audit Date is recorded and displayed here.
- Object Policies
Object policies pertaining to column security, such as masking schemes are defined and applied. It will display the policy applied on the objects (Table column).
Copyright © 2019, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners GA USA