The User Service provides all existing and new users of OvalEdge with their respective roles.
The following are the operational APIs associated with the user service:
1. GetOvaledgeCategories
Get the categories of domains using the domain id as parameter value.
Method |
Parameter |
getOvalEdgeCategories |
ovalEdgeDomainId |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"categories": [
"createdBy": "admin",
"createdByName": null,
"createDate": 1622722957000,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"updatedByName": null,
"lastModDate": 1622722964000,
"categoryId": 1000,
"name": "c1",
"description": "c1",
"objectType": "oeglobaldomain",
"parentId": 0,
"contextId": 1000,
"disabled": false,
"children": [],
"reviewer": null,
"steward": null
"createdBy": "admin",
"createdByName": null,
"createDate": 1622722961000,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"updatedByName": null,
"lastModDate": 1622722964000,
"categoryId": 1001,
"name": "c2",
"description": "c2",
"objectType": "oeglobaldomain",
"parentId": 0,
"contextId": 1000,
"disabled": false,
"children": [],
"reviewer": null,
"steward": null
"createdBy": "admin",
"createdByName": null,
"createDate": 1622722964000,
"updatedBy": null,
"updatedByName": null,
"lastModDate": 1622722964000,
"categoryId": 1002,
"name": "c3",
"description": "c3",
"objectType": "oeglobaldomain",
"parentId": 0,
"contextId": 1000,
"disabled": false,
"children": [],
"reviewer": null,
"steward": null
2. Get User
Get User Method requires a parameter {userid} which returns the user object.
Mandatory Fields: userId.
Method | Url | Parameter |
getUser | /api/user/{userId} | {userId} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"user": {
"userId": "userid",
"password": “masked password”,
"fName": "firstName",
"lName": "lastName",
"gender": "gender",
"phone": "phone",
"email": "",
"address": "address",
"role": "roleValue",
"title": "",
"status": "userActiveStatus",
"licenseType": "licenseType",
"userSecret": “userSecret”
3. Add User
Add User Method requires user data as a request body, which returns the user object as a response.
Default roles are OE_ADMIN and OE_PUBLIC.
Mandatory Fields: fName, lName, email, password, userId, role, licenseType.
Method | Url |
addUser | /api/user/add |
Request Body
"address": "string",
"email": "string",*
"fName": "string",
"gender": "string",
"lName": "string",
"password": "string",
"phone": "string",
"role": "string",*
"status": "string",
"title": "string",
"userId": "string"*
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"users": [
"userId": "vinod",
"password": null,
"fName": "Vinod",
"lName": "Merugu",
"gender": "string",
"phone": "string",
"email": "",
"address": "Hyderabad",
"role": "OE_PUBLIC",
"title": "string",
"status": null,
"licenseType": null,
"userSecret": null
4. GetStewardUsers
The user can get the list of steward users using the GetStewardUsers service.
"status": false,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"UserList": [
"userId": "admin",
"password": "[SECRET]",
"fName": "Admin",
"lName": "OvalEdge",
"gender": "Male",
"pPhone": "(678) 111-1111",
"email": "",
"address": "123 Main St Marietta",
"role": "OE_ADMIN",
"title": "Admin",
"message": null,
"name": "Admin OvalEdge",
"userType": null,
"status": "active",
"lastmoddate": "2021-06-02 17:28:32.0",
"token": "",
"cityState": "GA",
"slackId": null,
"notifyViaEmail": 0,
"zip": 30067,
"outOfOffice": 0,
"managerid": null,
"dgmanagerid": null,
"dcmanagerid": null,
"allowUserMentions": 0,
"allowWatchListAlert": 0,
"allowSystemAlert": 0,
"licenseTypeCode": 3,
"licenseType": "Author",
"userSecret": null,
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 0
5. Update Roles
The Update Roles method requires a user object as a request body, it returns the user object as a response.
Mandatory Fields: userId, roles.
Method | Url | Parameter |
udpateRoles | /api/user/role | No Parameters |
Request Body
"address": "string",
"email": "string",
"fName": "string",
"gender": "string",
"lName": "string",
"licenseType": "string",
"password": "string",
"phone": "string",
"role": "string",*
"status": "string",
"title": "string",
"userId": "string",*
"userSecret": "string"
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"user": {
"userId": "userid",
"password": null,
"fName": "fname",
"lName": "lname",
"gender": null,
"phone": "000-000-0000",
"email": "email",
"address": null,
"role": "ROLE_PUBLIC",
"title": "Data Explorer",
"status": "ACTIVE"
6. Update Status
The Update Status method requires a user object as a request body, it returns the user object as a response.
Mandatory Fields: userId, status.
Method | Url | Parameter |
/api/user/status | /updateStatus | No Parameters |
Request Body
"address": "string",
"email": "string",
"fName": "string",
"gender": "string",
"lName": "string",
"password": "string",
"phone": "string",
"role": "ROLE_PUBLIC",*
"status": "ACTIVE",*
"title": "title",
"userId": "userid"*
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"user": {
"userId": "userid",
"password": null,
"fName": "fname",
"lName": "lname",
"gender": null,
"phone": "000-000-0000",
"email": "email",
"address": null,
"role": "ROLE_PUBLIC",
"title": "Data Explorer",
"status": "ACTIVE"
7. Update User
The Update User Method requires user data as a request body, which returns the user object as a response.
Mandatory Fields: userId.
Method | Parameter |
updateUser | /api/user/update |
Request Body
"address": "string",
"email": "string",*
"fName": "string",
"gender": "string",
"lName": "string",
"password": "string",
"phone": "string",
"role": "string",*
"status": "string",
"title": "string",
"userId": "string"*
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"users": [
"userId": "userid",
"password": null,
"fName": "fname",
"lName": "lname",
"gender": "male",
"phone": "00000000",
"email": "@gmail",
"address": "address",
"role": "ROLE_SALES",
"title": "title",
"status": ACTIVE
8. Get Users
The Get Users Method returns the list of OvalEdge users.
Mandatory Fields: limit, offset.
Method | Url | Parameter |
getUsers | /api/users |
limit (should be number >= 1) Offset (should be number & not be > limit else returns all users) |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"users": [
"userId": "a.sadikhov91",
"password": null,
"fName": "Araz",
"lName": "Sadikhov",
"gender": "",
"phone": "",
"email": "",
"address": null,
"role": "OE_PUBLIC",
"title": "",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"licenseType": "Author",
"userSecret": null