Rest API 5.0

User Services

The User Service provides all existing and new users of OvalEdge with their respective roles. 

The following are the operational APIs associated with the user service:

1. GetOvaledgeCategories

Get the categories of domains using the domain id as parameter value.









"status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "categories": [


        "createdBy": "admin",

        "createdByName": null,

        "createDate": 1622722957000,

        "updatedBy": "admin",

        "updatedByName": null,

        "lastModDate": 1622722964000,

        "categoryId": 1000,

        "name": "c1",

        "description": "c1",

        "objectType": "oeglobaldomain",

        "parentId": 0,

        "contextId": 1000,

        "disabled": false,

        "children": [],

        "reviewer": null,

        "steward": null



        "createdBy": "admin",

        "createdByName": null,

        "createDate": 1622722961000,

        "updatedBy": "admin",

        "updatedByName": null,

        "lastModDate": 1622722964000,

        "categoryId": 1001,

        "name": "c2",

        "description": "c2",

        "objectType": "oeglobaldomain",

        "parentId": 0,

        "contextId": 1000,

        "disabled": false,

        "children": [],

        "reviewer": null,

        "steward": null



        "createdBy": "admin",

        "createdByName": null,

        "createDate": 1622722964000,

        "updatedBy": null,

        "updatedByName": null,

        "lastModDate": 1622722964000,

        "categoryId": 1002,

        "name": "c3",

        "description": "c3",

        "objectType": "oeglobaldomain",

        "parentId": 0,

        "contextId": 1000,

        "disabled": false,

        "children": [],

        "reviewer": null,

        "steward": null





2. Get User

Get User Method requires a parameter {userid} which returns the user object.

Mandatory Fields: userId.

Method Url Parameter
getUser /api/user/{userId}  {userId}



  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "user": {

      "userId": "userid",

      "password": “masked password”,

      "fName": "firstName",

      "lName": "lastName",

      "gender": "gender",

      "phone": "phone",

      "email": "",

      "address": "address",

      "role": "roleValue",

      "title": "",

      "status": "userActiveStatus",

      "licenseType": "licenseType",

      "userSecret": “userSecret”




3. Add User

Add User Method requires user data as a request body, which returns the user object as a response.

Default roles are OE_ADMIN and OE_PUBLIC.

Mandatory Fields: fName, lName, email, password, userId, role, licenseType.

Method Url
addUser /api/user/add 

Request Body



"address": "string",

"email": "string",*

"fName": "string",

"gender": "string",

"lName": "string",

"password": "string",

"phone": "string",

"role": "string",*

"status": "string",

"title": "string",

"userId": "string"*





  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "users": [


        "userId": "vinod",

        "password": null,

        "fName": "Vinod",

        "lName": "Merugu",

        "gender": "string",

        "phone": "string",

        "email": "",

        "address": "Hyderabad",

        "role": "OE_PUBLIC",

        "title": "string",

        "status": null,

        "licenseType": null,

        "userSecret": null





4. GetStewardUsers

The user can get the list of steward users using the GetStewardUsers service.



"status": false,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "UserList": [


        "userId": "admin",

        "password": "[SECRET]",

        "fName": "Admin",

        "lName": "OvalEdge",

        "gender": "Male",

        "pPhone": "(678) 111-1111",

        "email": "",

        "address": "123 Main St Marietta",

        "role": "OE_ADMIN",

        "title": "Admin",

        "message": null,

        "name": "Admin OvalEdge",

        "userType": null,

        "status": "active",

        "lastmoddate": "2021-06-02 17:28:32.0",

        "token": "",

        "cityState": "GA",

        "slackId": null,

        "notifyViaEmail": 0,

        "zip": 30067,

        "outOfOffice": 0,

        "managerid": null,

        "dgmanagerid": null,

        "dcmanagerid": null,

        "allowUserMentions": 0,

        "allowWatchListAlert": 0,

        "allowSystemAlert": 0,

        "licenseTypeCode": 3,

        "licenseType": "Author",

        "userSecret": null,

        "startIndex": 0,

        "endIndex": 0





5. Update Roles

The Update Roles method requires a user object as a request body, it returns the user object as a response.

Mandatory Fields: userId, roles.

Method Url Parameter
udpateRoles /api/user/role No Parameters

Request Body


  "address": "string",

  "email": "string",

  "fName": "string",

  "gender": "string",

  "lName": "string",

  "licenseType": "string",

  "password": "string",

  "phone": "string",

  "role": "string",*

  "status": "string",

  "title": "string",

  "userId": "string",*

  "userSecret": "string"




"status": true, 

"statusCode": "",

"statusMsg": "", 

"response": {

"user": {

"userId": "userid", 

"password": null, 

"fName": "fname",

"lName": "lname", 

"gender": null,

"phone": "000-000-0000",

"email": "email", 

"address": null,

"role": "ROLE_PUBLIC",

"title": "Data Explorer", 

"status": "ACTIVE"




6. Update Status

The Update Status method requires a user object as a request body, it returns the user object as a response.

Mandatory Fields: userId, status.

Method Url Parameter
/api/user/status /updateStatus No Parameters

Request Body


"address": "string",

"email": "string",

"fName": "string",

"gender": "string",

"lName": "string",

"password": "string",

"phone": "string",

"role": "ROLE_PUBLIC",*

"status": "ACTIVE",*

"title": "title",

"userId": "userid"*




"status": true,

"statusCode": "",

"statusMsg": "",

"response": {

"user": {

"userId": "userid",

"password": null,

"fName": "fname",

"lName": "lname",

"gender": null,

"phone": "000-000-0000",

"email": "email",

"address": null,

"role": "ROLE_PUBLIC",

"title": "Data Explorer",

"status": "ACTIVE"




7. Update User

The Update User Method requires user data as a request body, which returns the user object as a response. 

Mandatory Fields: userId.

Method Parameter
updateUser /api/user/update

Request Body


"address": "string",

"email": "string",*

"fName": "string",

"gender": "string",

"lName": "string",

"password": "string",

"phone": "string",

"role": "string",*

"status": "string",

"title": "string",

"userId": "string"*




"status": true,

"statusCode": "",

"statusMsg": "",

"response": {

"users": [


"userId": "userid",

"password": null,

"fName": "fname",

"lName": "lname",

"gender": "male",

"phone": "00000000",

"email": "@gmail",

"address": "address",

"role": "ROLE_SALES",

"title": "title",

"status": ACTIVE





8. Get Users

The Get Users Method returns the list of OvalEdge users.

Mandatory Fields: limit, offset.

Method Url Parameter
getUsers /api/users

limit (should be number >= 1)

Offset (should be number & not be > limit else returns all users)



  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "users": [


        "userId": "a.sadikhov91",

        "password": null,

        "fName": "Araz",

        "lName": "Sadikhov",

        "gender": "",

        "phone": "",

        "email": "",

        "address": null,

        "role": "OE_PUBLIC",

        "title": "",

        "status": "ACTIVE",

        "licenseType": "Author",

        "userSecret": null



