Extending Metadata

Types of advanced jobs & workflow

What is an Advanced Job?

There are certain tasks within ovaledge that need advanced algorithms to be used to get the desired results. The Advanced job feature enables the user to undertake tasks that cannot be accomplished using a traditional job. 

A good example of an Advanced job is building lineage from tableau reports, in here there will be a couple of traditional jobs like getting reports and then getting source code beneath the reports and then building the Lineage.

Everything is point-and-click i.e., you need to input the connection attributes (displayed under each advanced job in this section) and our algorithms will do the rest for you. 

This section provides the list of all Advanced jobs that can be executed in OvalEdge. 

Types of advanced jobs & workflow


Advanced Job Type Description

Process Importance Score


The importance score of a table or a column tells us about the number of relations the selected data object has with other data objects. The purpose of this advanced job is to process the importance score of a table and its columns.

Reset Encryption-Decryption


The purpose of this job is to reset the fields and provide them with a new encrypted-decrypt key.

Discover Primary and Foreign key relationship auto


The purpose of this job is to automatically discover primary and foreign key relationships in the data that is profiled and brought into ovaledge.

Load oereportext table for reporting framework


The purpose of this job is to enable the user to load sqls from staging tables to oereportext tables for the purpose of creating reporting frameworks.

Load Users Into Ovaledge


The purpose of this job is to enable the creation of users in bulk using an external CSV file.

Creation and Deletion of Orphan ACLs


This job is used for the creation and deletion of Access Control Lists for Orphaned objects.

Build BusinessGlossary for table column


This job is used for creating a business glossary for table columns. 

Discover relationships automatically


The purpose of this job is to discover various relationships automatically.

Calculate relationships strength


The purpose of this job is to calculate the strength of all relationships.

LDAP Connection Validate Service


The purpose of this job is to validate the LDAP connections.

Get Relationships with Column Names


The purpose of this job is to discover the relationships between columns.

Project Level Relationships Building


The purpose of this job is to build project level relationships.

Populate Documented/UnDocumented Counts


The purpose of this job is to populate documented/undocumented counts.

Create Security ACL Entries

Create ACL Entries For All Objects

The purpose of this job is to create the security ACL entries at all object levels.

Load Affected Objects For Table Columns


The purpose of this job is to enable the user to load downstream affected objects at the column level by using CSV files.

Recommend Terms


The purpose of this object is to create a Business Glossary using Lineage and Object Name.

Build Lineage For Dremio


This job will build lineage between sources and dremio

Process CouchDb Lineage


This job will build lineage for couchdb it takes one input attr, pass couchdb connectionid in attr1