Rest API 5.0

Term Services

This API is used to Add/Search/Assign terms based on object types. The following are the operational APIs associated with the Term Services API:

1. Business Glossary Data

Mandatory Field: searchTerm.

Method Url
businessGlossaryData /api/businessglossary/businessGlossaryData

Request Body


  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "BusinessGlossaryData": []



2. Get Business Glossary Objects

This API returns the associated objects for the given term.

Mandatory Field: globalDomainName, glossaryName

Method Url Parameter
getBusinessGlossaryObjects /api/businessglossary/objects?globalDomainName={globalDomainName}&glossaryName={glossaryName} globalDomainName,glossaryName



  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "glossaryObjectList": [


        "objectName": "mysql.ovaledgedb.a_datasetassociation",

        "objectId": 1001,

        "objectType": "Table"



        "objectName": "mysql.ovaledgedb.oetable",

        "objectId": 1173,

        "objectType": "Table"





3. Get Business Terms

Mandatory Field: all, globalDomainId, glossaryId, published, termName 

Method Url
getBusinessTerms /api/businessglossary/term/search

Request Body


  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "terms": [


        "businessGlossaryId": 1000,

        "globaldomainid": 1000,

        "domain": "new",

        "status": "DRAFT",

        "name": "term1",

        "description": "term1",

        "definition": null,

        "steward": "admin",

        "stewardName": null,

        "approvedby": "admin",

        "approvedbyName": null,

        "approvaldate": null,

        "examples": null,

        "createdBy": "admin",

        "createdByName": null,

        "createDate": 1622728530000,

        "lastModDate": 1622730361000,

        "updatedBy": "admin",

        "updatedByName": null,

        "copydesc": true,

        "copybizdesc": false,

        "mask": false,

        "restrict": null,

        "classification1": false,

        "classification2": false,

        "classification3": false,

        "classification4": false,

        "classification5": false,

        "classification6": false,

        "classification7": false,

        "classification8": false,

        "classification9": false,

        "classification10": false,

        "usescore": 4,

        "rating": null,

        "tags": null,

        "version": 0,

        "cfedit": null,

        "relatedId": null,

        "type": 0,

        "category1": "c1",

        "category2": null,

        "category1Id": 1000,

        "category2Id": 0,

        "showclassification": false,

        "sortOrder": 1,

        "afterBGId": 0,

        "roles": null,

        "notify": true,

        "reviewer": "admin",

        "isdirect": false





4. Add Term

The Add Term Method requires the business glossary object as the request body and returns the response as business glossary object terms are used at the object level in the OvalEdge application to apply rules.

Mandatory Field: globaldomainid, name,description, domainName, objectId, objectName, schemaId, schemaName, steward, tagName, termId, termName

Method Url
addTerm /api/term/addTerm

Request Body



"classification1": true,

"classification10": true,

"classification2": true,

"classification3": true,

"classification4": true,

"classification5": true,

"classification6": true,

"classification7": true,

"classification8": true,

"classification9": true,

"copybizdesc": true,

"copydesc": true,

"description": "string",

"globaldomainid": 17, *

"mask": true,

"name": "string",*

"publish": true,

"restrict": true,

"steward": "akhil"*





"status": true,

"statusCode": "",

"statusMsg": "",

"response": {

"response": [


"businessGlossaryId": 13,

"globaldomainid": 17,

"domain": null,

"status": "DRAFT",

"name": "string",

"description": "string",

"definition": null,

"steward": "akhil",

"stewardName": null,

"approvedby": "",

"approvedbyName": null,

"approvaldate": null,

"examples": null,

"createdBy": null,

"createdByName": null,

"createDate": null,

"lastModDate": null,

"updatedBy": null,

"updatedByName": null,

"copydesc": true,

"copybizdesc": true,

"mask": true,

"restrict": true,

"classification1": true,

"classification2": true,

"classification3": true,

"classification4": true,

"classification5": true,

"classification6": true,

"classification7": true,

"classification8": true,

"classification9": true,

"classification10": true,

"usescore": 0,

"rating": 0,

"tags": null,

"version": 0,

"cfedit": null





5. Assign Term To Object

The Assign Term To Object Method takes the object as a parameter.

{ businessglosaryId } -  Give valid business glossary id. { Name } - Give a valid term name

{ ObjectId } - Give valid objected. { objectType} - Give a valid objecttype(oecolumn)

{ searchTxt } - It is an optional field and that returns the result of assigned term objects.

Mandatory Field: businessGlossaryId, globaldomainid, description, domain, objectId, objectIdList, name

Method Url
assignTermToObject /api/term/assignTerm

Request Body



"businessGlossaryId": 2, *

"description": "string",

"name": " PIITerm",*

"objectId": 170776, *

"objectIdList": [



"objectType": "oecolumn",*

"searchTxt": "string",

"wiki": "string"





"status": true,

"statusCode": "",

"statusMsg": "",

"response": {

"wiki": "",

"description": "createdate",

"term": {

"businessGlossaryId": 2,

"name": "PIITerm",

"description": "createdate",

"wiki": "",

"objectId": 170776,

"objectIdList": [



"objectType": "oecolumn",

"searchTxt": "string"




6. Delete Terms Based on TermIds

This API is to delete a single term or  list of  terms according to the given list of term id’s.

Mandatory Field: termIdList.

Method URL Parameters
deleteTermsBasedOnTermIds /api/term/delete termIdList

Sample Request

termIdList - 1005

Sample Response


  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "Processed Term Id(s)": {

      "1005": "Sucessfully Deleted "


    "Successfully Deleted Term Id(s)": [





7. Remove Term From Objects

This API removes the specified term from the given associated objects.

Mandatory Field: bgName, businessGlossaryId, domain, globaldomainid, objectIdList, objectType

Method Url
removeTermFromObject /api/term/removeTerms

Request Body



    "bgName": "string",

    "businessGlossaryId": 0,

    "domain": "string",

    "globaldomainid": 0,

    "objectIdList": [



    "objectType": "string"






    "bgName": "Term1",

    "businessGlossaryId": 0,

    "domain": "Domain1",

    "globaldomainid": 0,

    "objectIdList": [



    "objectType": "oetable"





  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "resultSet": {

      "termStatusList[1173]": "Success{1173=true}"




8. Search Terms

The Search Term Method takes the {termName} as an optional parameter. It returns the list of term objects or searches term object

Method Url Parameter
searchTerms /api/term/searchTerms {termName} - optional



"status": true,

"statusCode": "",

"statusMsg": "",

"response": {

"terms": [


"businessGlossaryId": 5,

"globaldomainid": 0,

"domain": null,

"status": null,

"name": "apitest",

"description": null,

"definition": null,

"steward": null,

"stewardName": null,

"approvedby": null,

"approvedbyName": null,

"approvaldate": null,

"examples": null,

"createdBy": null,

"createdByName": null,

"createDate": null,

"lastModDate": null,

"updatedBy": null,

"updatedByName": null,

"copydesc": null,

"copybizdesc": null,

"mask": null,

"restrict": null,

"classification1": null,

"classification2": null,

"classification3": null,

"classification4": null,

"classification5": null,

"classification6": null,

"classification7": null,

"classification8": null,

"classification9": null,

"classification10": null,

"usescore": 0,

"rating": 0,

"tags": null,

"version": 0,

"cfedit": null


