Each schema has a number of tables where the users can add multiple tables, gettable by Id, and get tables by schema using the following APIs:
1. Get Schema Tables
The Get Schema Tables API requires {schemaId} as a parameter that returns the list of table objects.
Mandatory Fields: schemaId
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getSchemaTables |
/api/schema/{schemaId}/tables |
schemaId |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"tables": [
"tableId": 4312,
"tableName": "a_chart",
"description": "a_chart",
"lastPopulatedDate": "",
"schemaId": 1260,
"schemaName": "ovaledgedb",
"connectionId": -1,
"connectionName": "ovaledgedb",
"rowCount": 0,
"totalColumns": 0,
"active": 1,
"type": "TABLE",
"tablestats": [],
"analyzedstatus": "Profiled",
"businessDescription": "",
"techinalDescription": "",
"customFields": {},
"domain": null,
"glossaryName": null,
"tagName": null,
"fromDate": null,
"toDate": null
2. Save Table
The Save Tables API requires a Table Object as a request body that returns the saved table object.
Mandatory Fields: connectionId, connectionName, schemaName, businessDescription, technicalDescription, tableId, tableName, schemaId.
Method |
Url |
SaveTable |
/api/table |
Request Body
"active": 0,
"analyzedstatus": "string",
"businessDescription": "string",
"connectionId": 0,
"connectionName": "string",
"customFields": {},
"description": "string",
"domain": "string",
"fromDate": "string",
"glossaryName": "string",
"lastPopulatedDate": "string",
"rowCount": 0,
"schemaId": 0,
"schemaName": "string",
"tableId": 0,
"tableName": "string",
"tablestats": [
"commented": 0,
"looked": 0,
"queried": 0,
"userid": "string",
"userscore": 0
"tagName": "string",
"techinalDescription": "string",
"toDate": "string",
"type": "string"
"active": 0,
"analyzedstatus": "string",
"businessDescription": "string",
"connectionId": 0,
"connectionName": "string",
"customFields": {},
"description": "string",
"domain": "string",
"fromDate": "string",
"glossaryName": "string",
"lastPopulatedDate": "string",
"rowCount": 0,
"schemaId": 0,
"schemaName": "string",
"tableId": 0,
"tableName": "string",
"tablestats": [
"commented": 0,
"looked": 0,
"queried": 0,
"userid": "string",
"userscore": 0
"tagName": "string",
"techinalDescription": "string",
"toDate": "string",
"type": "string"
3. Get Table
The Get Table API requires {tableId} as a parameter that returns a table object.
Mandatory Fields: tableId.
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"table": {
"tableId": 1308,
"tableName": "RETENTION",
"description": "RETENTION",
"lastPopulatedDate": null,
"schemaId": 1087,
"connectionId": 1001,
"connectionName": "Snowflake-DB's",
"rowCount": 50,
"totalColumns": 0,
"active": 1,
"type": "TABLE",
"tablestats": [
"userid": "raghu",
"userscore": 5,
"looked": 5,
"queried": 0,
"commented": 0
"analyzedstatus": null,
"businessDescription": null,
"techinalDescription": null,
"customFields": {},
"domain": "AmazonStudios|D",
"glossaryName": "AmazonStudios",
"tagName": null,
"fromDate": "2021-03-10 16:27:05.0",
"toDate": "2021-06-07 14:34:56.0"
4. Deactivate Table
The Deactivate Table API requires {tableId} as a parameter that deactivates the table from OvalEdge and returns a response message as successfully deactivated.
Mandatory Fields: tableId.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
deActivateTable |
/api/table/{tableId} |
tableId |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"msg": "Successfully deactivated table with id 31084 and table name sdzxc"
5. Add Business And Technical Description API Using table Id
This API updates business and technical descriptions for the given table Id.
Mandatory Fields: tableId.
Method |
Url |
addBusinessAndTechnicalDescription |
/api/table/{tableId}/description |
Request Body
"businessDescription": "string",
"isEncodedText": true,
"technicalDescription": "string"
"businessDescription": "Updated business description",
"isEncodedText": false,
"technicalDescription": "Updated technical description"
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "Successfully updated given descriptions",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {}
6. Add Business and Technical Description API using the table name
This API updates business and technical descriptions for the given table.
Mandatory Fields: connectionName, schemaName, tableName.
Method |
Url |
addBusinessAndTechnicalDescription |
/api/table/description/add |
Request Body
"businessDescription": "string",
"connectionName": "string",
"isEncodedText": true,
"schemaName": "string",
"tableName": "string",
"technicalDescription": "string"
"businessDescription": "BD",
"columnName": "string",
"connectionName": "mysql",
"schemaName": "ovaledgedb",
"tableName": "oetable",
"technicalDescription": "TD"
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "Successfully updated given descriptions",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {}
7. Add Custom Fields for Tables using table Id
Mandatory Fields: tableId, customFields.
Method |
Url |
Parameters |
addCustomFieldsForTables |
/api/table/{tableId}/fields/add |
Name, tableid |
"response": {},
"status": true,
"statusCode": "string",
"statusMsg": "string"
8. Add Custom Fields For Tables using the table name
Mandatory Fields: connectionName, customFields, schemaName, tableName
Method |
Url |
Parameters |
addCustomFieldsForTables |
custom fields for tables |
Request Body
"connectionName": "string",
"customFields": {},
"schemaName": "string",
"tableName": "string"
"connectionName": "Snowflake-DB's",
"customFields": {"tcf1":"FirstValue"},
"status": true,
"statusCode": "Custom objects are saved successfully",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {}
9. Save Profile Information
This API saves the given profile information for columns under a table to OvalEdge and displays in the details.
Mandatory Fields
The following are the mandatory fields required for saving the profile information:
- connectionId or connectionName
- schemaId or schemaName
- businessDescription
- technicalDescription
- tableId or tableName
- columnId or columnName
- withColumnsAndProfileData
- tableRowCount
- distinctCount
- nullCount
- minValue
- maxValue
- columnValue
- top50Values
Method |
Url |
Parameters |
saveProfileInfo |
/api/table/saveProfileInfo |
Name |
Request Body
"connectionId": 0,
"connectionName": "string",
"schemaId": 0,
"schemaName": "string",
"tableId": 0,
"tableName": "string",
"tableRowCount": "string",
"withColumnsAndProfileData": [
"columnId": 0,
"columnName": "string",
"distinctCount": "string",
"maxValue": "string",
"minValue": "string",
"nullCount": "string",
"top50Values": [
"columnValue": "string",
"count": 0
"connectionId": 0,
"connectionName": "Snowflake-DB's",
"schemaId": 0,
"tableId": 0,
"tableRowCount": "200",
"withColumnsAndProfileData": [
"columnId": 0,
"columnName": "Product Group",
"distinctCount": "45",
"maxValue": "Samsung",
"minValue": "Nokia",
"nullCount": "5",
"top50Values": [
"columnValue": "Nokia",
"count": 5
"columnValue": "Samsung",
"count": 10
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Status": "Profile data saved successfully"
10. Get Metadata Difference(Schema Compare)
This API is to get metadata differences in a schema. It requires connection details and schema details, from date to get the changes.
Mandatory Fields
The following are the mandatory fields required for getting the metadata differences in a schema.
- connectionId or connectionName
- schemaId or schemaName
- fromDate
- toDate
Method |
Url |
getMetadataDifference |
/api/schemaCompare |
Request Body
"status": 0,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
“response”: {
“Metadata changes”:[
“tableName”: “table name”,
“count”: 12,
“columnPosition”: “column position”
“columnName”: ”column name”
“columnType”: “column type”
“columnLength”: “column length”
11. Get Table with Names
The Get Table API requires ConnectionName, SchemaName, and Table as a parameter that returns a table object.
Method |
URl |
Parameters |
getTableWithNames |
/api/table/tableWithName?connectionName={ConnectionName}&schemaName={schemaName}&tableName={TableName} |
{ConnectionName}&schemaName={schemaName}&tableName={TableName} |
Mandatory Fields
- ConnectionName
- SchemaName
- TableName
Request Body
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"table": {
"tablename": "CHARACTER_SETS",
"oetableid": 1,
"active": 1,
"rowcount": 0,
"tablescore": 0,
"usescore": 1,
"tabledescription": "CHARACTER_SETS",
"type": "TABLE",
"oeSchemaId": 1,
"connectioninfoidNP": 0,
"columnSecure": 0,
"partitioned": 0,
"inserted": false,
"totalcolumns": 0,
"totaldistinctvalues": 0,
"blurstatus": 0,
"owner": "admin",
"steward": "admin",
"businessGlossaryId": 0,
"px": 0,
"py": 0,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"dqindex": 0,
"relationType": 0,
"temp": false,
"lastModDate": 1640621622000,
"createddate": 1640621622000,
"createdBy": "admin",
"rating": 0,
"id": 1,
"description": true,
"inProject": false,
"tableNameUpper": "CHARACTER_SETS"