Reports are crawled in the OvalEdge Application and the reports which are associated with Report Groups are based on the tool/type of reports crawled. Here this service deals with Report Group related APIs.
The following are the operational APIs associated with the Report Group Services API:
1. Get Report Group By ConnectionID and Report Group Name
The Get Report Group By Connection and Report Group Name method return Report Group by given Connection and ReportGroup Name.
Mandatory Field: connectionInfoId, reportGroupName.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getReportGroupbyNameandConnectionId |
/api/reportgroup |
{connectionInfoId}, {reportGroupName} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Domain": {
"domainID": 1009,
"domainType": "POWERBI",
"value": "sakila",
"description": "sakila",
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1001,
"connectionName": "powerBI",
"project": null,
"crawled": true,
"active": true,
"extReferenceId": "836fd58c-13b5-4fe5-b171-10ce2c588b75",
"roles": null,
"id": 1009
2. Save Report Group
(Note: This method is deprecated. To create a Report Group, you should use crawlers in OvalEdge application)
The Save Report Group method creates a new Report Group with input through the Request Body.
Mandatory Field: connectionId, connectionName, reportGroupDescription, reportGroupName.
Method |
Url |
saveReportGroup |
/api/reportgroup |
Request Body
"active": true, *
"connectionId": 0, *
"crawled": true, *
"extrerefId": "string", *
"project": "string",
"reportGroupDescription": "string",
"reportGroupId": 0,
"reportGroupName": "string",*
"reportGroupType": "string"*
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Domain": {
"domainID": 1014,
"domainType": "POWERBI",
"value": "sample",
"description": "sampleDescription",
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1001,
"connectionName": "powerBI",
"project": null,
"crawled": true,
"active": true,
"extReferenceId": "",
"roles": null,
"id": 1014
3. Get Report Group By Id
The Get Report Group By Id method returns Report Group with given input Id if it exists.
Mandatory Field: reportgroupId.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getReportGroupbyId |
/api/reportgroup/{reportgroupId} |
{reportgroupId} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Domain": {
"domainID": 1009,
"domainType": "POWERBI",
"value": "sakila",
"description": "sakila",
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1001,
"connectionName": "powerBI",
"project": null,
"crawled": true,
"active": true,
"extReferenceId": "836fd58c-13b5-4fe5-b171-10ce2c588b75",
"roles": null,
"id": 1009
4. Delete Report Group
Mandatory Field: reportgroupId
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
deleteReportGroup |
/api/reportgroup/{reportgroupId} |
{reportgroupId} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "ReportGroup with id 1013 is deleted",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {}
5. Crawling For Existing Projects
It requires connection id as input, crawling for existing projects, and initiating advance jobs for building lineage.
Mandatory Field: connectionId, connectionName, domainNames.
Method |
Url |
crawlingForExistingProjects |
/api/reportgroup/crawlingForExistingProjects |
Request Body
"connectionId": 123,
"connectionName": "string",
"domainId": 1234,
"domainNames": [“string”]
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
“Projects crawling info”:[
“domainId”: 1234,
“domainName”: “domain name”,
“jobId”: 123,
“jobStatus”: “job status”
6. Crawling For New Projects
Mandatory Field: connectionId, connectionName.
It requires a connection id as input, fetches remote new projects, and initiates advanced jobs for building lineage.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
crawlingForNewProjects |
/api/reportgroup/crawlingForNewProjects |
{connectionId} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
“Projects crawling info”:[
“domainId”: 123,
“domainName”: “domain name”,
“jobId”: 123,
“jobStatus”: “job status”
7. Get All Report Groups
The Get All Report Groups method returns a list of ReportGroups with given limit and offsets values.
Mandatory Field: limit, offset.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getAllReportGroups |
/api/reportgroups/all |
{limit},{offset} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Domains": [
"domainID": 1001,
"domainType": "POWERBI",
"value": "OvalEdge_Supplychain_datasite",
"description": "OvalEdge_Supplychain_datasite",
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1001,
"connectionName": "powerBI",
"project": null,
"crawled": true,
"active": true,
"extReferenceId": "1c17a8b5-30d4-4402-8afb-48e12cb77104",
"roles": null,
"id": 1001
"domainID": 1002,
"domainType": "POWERBI",
"value": "OvalSampleSql",
"description": "OvalSampleSql",
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1001,
"connectionName": "powerBI",
"project": null,
"crawled": true,
"active": true,
"extReferenceId": "19b657c9-c822-42b2-a3b3-3f629b4da2ba",
"roles": null,
"id": 1002
"domainID": 1003,
"domainType": "POWERBI",
"value": "Post Secondary Education Analysis",
"description": "Post Secondary Education Analysis",
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1001,
"connectionName": "powerBI",
"project": null,
"crawled": true,
"active": true,
"extReferenceId": "f1fef45a-c979-447f-bc4e-792a65551c7a",
"roles": null,
"id": 1003
"domainID": 1004,
"domainType": "POWERBI",
"value": "Miscellaneous Dashboards",
"description": "Miscellaneous Dashboards",
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1001,
"connectionName": "powerBI",
"project": null,
"crawled": true,
"active": true,
"extReferenceId": "7903cb76-7b4f-4c8b-95d6-a187b31b7752",
"roles": null,
"id": 1004
"domainID": 1005,
"domainType": "POWERBI",
"value": "OvalEdge",
"description": "OvalEdge",
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1001,
"connectionName": "powerBI",
"project": null,
"crawled": true,
"active": true,
"extReferenceId": "fee72aa5-2c40-4d00-b2db-d96d0d12c028",
"roles": null,
"id": 1005