OvalEdge Releases


OvalEdge Release6.0.2.7 is a hotfix release that includes improvements to the Query Sheet, Advanced Tools, and Administration modules.

In this release, the critical and significant bugs associated with the Tags, Data Catalog, Business Glossary, Projects, Service Desk, File Manager, Query Sheet, Advanced Tools, and Connectors modules are fixed and working as expected.

Release Type   

Release Version


<Release. Build Number. Release Stamp>

Build Date

Hotfix Release



17 May 2023


  • Query Sheet
    • In the Query Sheet, previously, when the same query was run multiple times, each execution was recorded as a new query with different Query Sheet IDs. As a result, in the Data Catalog, specifically in the Data Object (Table) Summary and Column Details, the query references were displayed as multiple records in the Column References section. However, the existing functionality has been improved. If the same query is run multiple times, it will be consolidated and displayed as a single query in the Column References. This will avoid duplicate entries and provide a more streamlined view of query usage in the catalog.
  • Advanced Tools
    • In Advanced Tools | Build Auto Lineage | When a user tries to download the data from more than one source code and if one of them has no data association the application is returning an error. However, this functionality has improved and the application will skip the source codes with no data association and only download the source code which has a data association.
    • In Advanced Tools | OvalEdge APIs | A new API called "getAssociatedObjectsOfProject" has been introduced. This API includes the following parameters: ProjectName and ProjectId, where either one of these fields must be entered as mandatory information. Additionally, there is the Object Type parameter, which specifies the type of object being referenced, such as a table, column, file, or file column. The API also requires the Start Index and End Index parameters, which define the range of associated objects to retrieve.
  • Administration
    • In Administration | Connectors | When using the Power BI Connector to crawl data from a Power BI On-Premise data source, previously, if the data source contained any measures or formulas, the system could not fetch and display them in the Data Catalog > Data Object (Reports) > Summary. However, this functionality has been improved. Now, if any measures or formulas are available in the data source, that information is fetched and displayed in the summary under the formula field.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed in this release, and the application is working as expected.

  1. Tags
    1. In the Tags, when a Child tag was created under a Parent tag, it was visible in the Tags List and Tree View. However, in Tile View, child tags were not displayed, causing inconsistency in tag visibility across different views. This issue has now been resolved and when child tags are associated with parent tags, they are clearly visible in Tile View mode.
  2. Data Catalog
    1. In Data Catalog | Reports | While using PowerBI Cloud, specific reports were unable to generate a lineage. However, this issue has been resolved, and currently, the reports are generating a lineage as intended.
  3. Business Glossary
    1. In the Business Glossary, there was an issue where the assigned tables and table columns for a specific term were not accurately reflected in the term summary under the tables and columns section. However, this issue has been resolved, and now the term summary correctly displays the count of assigned tables and table columns.
  4. Projects
    1. In Projects, when users edit project tasks and tag other users in the task notes, the tagged users are receiving blank notifications in their inboxes. These notifications did not include project details, description, project owner name, and more. However, this issue has been resolved, and now the notifications in the Projects Inbox correctly display the project details.
    2. In Projects, there was an issue where updating the project owner did not immediately reflect the changes. Users had to refresh the page to see the updated owner details. However, this issue has been resolved, and now users can instantly view the updated project owner details without refreshing the page.
  5. Service Desk
    1. In the Service Desk Template, when a user set up the Approval workflow for a template using teams as approvers there was an issue where the configured approvers were not reflected at the ticketing level. Consequently, when a user raised a service request from the data object, the team name did not appear in the approvers' field. However, this issue has been resolved, and now the team name is correctly displayed in the approvers’ field.
  6. File Manager
    1. In File Manager | NFS connection | When attempting to download a file by clicking on the 9 dots option resulted in an error message stating "potentially harmful input value detected in the path and rejected due to security concerns", which prevented the file from being downloaded. This issue has been resolved and files can now be downloaded without any error messages.
  7. Query Sheet
    1. Query Sheet | Previously, queries on the query sheet ran successfully. However, after downloading the data, it wasn't reflected in the CSV file. This issue has been fixed and is working as intended.
  8. Advanced Tools
    1. In Advanced Tools | Impact Analysis | There was an issue when attempting to add an impacted object to a report column in a project. This action triggered a warning message indicating that despite the attempt to add the report columns through impact analysis, the count of report columns remained at 0, and the report column failed to be added altogether. However, this issue has now been fixed, and the expected outcome is successfully adding the impacted object to a report column in a project without encountering any warning messages.
    2. In Advanced Tools | Build Auto Lineage | When a user tries to download the data from more than one source code and If one of them has no data association the application is returning an error. However, This issue has been fixed and the application will skip the source codes with no data association and only download the source code which has a data association.
    3. In the Advanced Tools | Load Metadata from Files | Business Glossary Template, the object types mentioned in the template were not correctly reflected in the Associated Data tab of the Business Glossary. Instead, different names were being displayed, which were not part of the template. However, this issue has now been resolved. The object types mentioned in the template are now displayed properly in the Associated Data tab.
    4. In Advanced Tools | Load Metadata from files | Business Glossary Template, when a user selects the business glossary template and uploads the template with data it gets successfully uploaded but the system fails to display the entered data appropriately in the Business Glossary. However, this issue has been resolved, and now the system accurately displays the data entered in the template within the Business Glossary.
    5. In Advanced Tools | When attempting to upload load metadata for a column and adding multiple child tags to specific columns, an issue was encountered where a parent tag was created with the same name as the child tag, causing the columns to be associated with the parent tag instead of the intended child tag. This issue has been resolved and the tags are now being associated correctly.
  9. Administration
    1. Administration | Earlier, Custom fields updated through APIs weren't displayed in the configure view. In addition, when filters were applied to code custom fields, they weren't reflected appropriately. However, this issue has since been resolved.
  10. Connectors
    1. For Power BI Connector, when a user builds lineage from Dremio to Power BI, there was an issue where the lineage creation represented the source as a temporary table instead of the actual table from the data source. As a result, the job logs displayed a partial success status, and the user could not build the lineage successfully. However, this problem has been resolved, and now users can successfully build the lineage from Dremio to Power BI.
    2. When using the Salesforce Connector, there was an issue where, after establishing a connection with Azure KeyVault and Bridge and successfully crawling the connection, users encountered an error message when accessing tables in the Query Sheet. However, this issue has been resolved, and users can now access the tables that were crawled from the Salesforce data source with the Azure KeyVault and Bridge integration without encountering any error messages.
    3. For the Salesforce Connector | When sample profiling is performed for the Salesforce connection the job status is displayed as a partial success however this issue is resolved and now when sample profiling is done, the job status is showing as a success.
    4. For the Looker Connector, when users attempted to build a lineage, they encountered query parse failures, preventing them from successfully establishing the lineage. However, this issue has been resolved, and users can now successfully build a lineage without parsing errors.
    5. For the Databricks Connector, when users attempted to build a lineage, they encountered query parse failures, preventing them from successfully establishing the lineage. However, this issue has been resolved, and users can now successfully build a lineage without parsing errors.
    6. For the Deltalake Connector, during profiling, the length of the column was not showing. However, this issue has been resolved, and the accurate column length is now populated.

Copyright © 2023, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners, GA USA