OvalEdge Releases


OvalEdge Release6.0.2.40 is a hotfix release that includes improvements to the Advanced Tools and Connectors modules. Additionally, in this release, the critical and significant bugs associated with the Data Catalog, Data Stories, Dashboard, Advanced Tools, Business Glossary, Administration, Tags, Profiling, and File Manager modules are fixed and working as expected.

Release Type   

Release Version


<Release. Build Number. Release Stamp>

Build Date

Hotfix Release



21 August 2023

Note: The Release6.0.2.40 Release Notes contain consolidated information detailing the improvements and bug fixes addressed from Release6.0.2.35 to Release


  • Advanced Tools

    • Within the OvalEdge APIs, users were unable to receive a response when utilizing the "Try It Out" feature to access the "api/reports/all" API endpoint. To overcome this obstacle, the new endpoint /v2/reports/all is added, which includes options for specifying a limit (users are required to update the limit for API usage) and an offset (default value is set to 0). As a result, users can now successfully receive responses.
  • Connectors

    • In ADM connectors, there was a need for a comprehensive implementation of the 'openquery' functionality in both MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors to support queries on remote data sources. The functionality has been enhanced, enabling users to effectively utilize the "openquery" feature in both MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors for seamless querying of remote data sources.

Bugs Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed in this release, and the application is working as expected.

  • Tags
    • In Tags, the Tree view faced considerable delays when loading, impacting user experience and productivity. The issue has been resolved, and users can now load the tree view without experiencing any delays.
  • Data Catalog
    • In Data Catalog > Codes, users encountered an issue when downloading associations for a code. The problem was that it only retrieved the first 20 associations from the table, even if there were more available. This issue has been resolved. Users can now fetch and download the required number of associations from the table as expected.
    • In Data Catalog, admin users in the production environment previously encountered an "invalid request" error while trying to download data from the Data Catalog. The issue has been resolved, and users can now successfully download data from the Data Catalog without encountering the error. 
  • Business Glossary
    • In the Business Glossary, users faced an issue when trying to add a multilanguage business description, which triggered an error. The use of special characters in the description caused unexpected storage space consumption. This issue has been resolved, and users can now freely use special characters in the business description without encountering any problems.
    • In Business Glossary > AI Recommendation system, the "approve" and "reject" functions were malfunctioning after running recommendations, and these issues couldn't be reproduced locally. A UI-related problem occurred upon page reload, where the page count displayed as "NaN." The issue has been resolved, and users can now reload the page with the page count displaying correctly and the "approve" and "reject" functions are now working as expected. 
  • Data Stories
    • In the Data Stories, Users with MRDP (Meta Read Data Perview) permission encountered an issue where they couldn't edit endorsements or assign star ratings in Data Stories, Data Catalog, and Business Glossary. This issue has been resolved. Users with MRDP permission can now provide star ratings in Data Stories, Data Catalog, and Business Glossary. Additionally, the red flag option has been removed for MRDP users. 
  • Dashboard
    • In Dashboards > Data Quality Score Board, users previously faced an issue where they were not able to click on the Search icon, hindering their effective use of the search function. The issue has been resolved by disabling the search icon. Now, when users access the Data Quality Score Board, they can immediately view the results in the list below, and they also have the option to close it if necessary.
  • File Manager
    • In the File Manager, users encountered a token expiry error while navigating through S3 folders. This error appeared after they reached the 5th level, indicating a potential issue with token duration or renewal for deeper folder access. The issue has been resolved, and users can now seamlessly navigate to S3 folders at any level without encountering any errors.
  • Advanced Tools
    • In Advance Tools > Load Metadata from Files, users faced an issue when trying to update the existing business description for a Business Glossary Term. During the upload process, they encountered a "Statement call-back error." This issue has been resolved, and users can now update the description and upload it without encountering any errors.
  • Administration
    • In the Administration > Security Settings > Domains, users had the ability to create domains without text and with spaces. Users could input descriptions that were either empty or composed solely of spaces. The issue has been resolved, and users can now input descriptions that contain text, including spaces, as intended.
    • In the Administration > Connectors > Crawl/Profile, users encountered an issue when attempting to perform data profiling on the RAW schema using the 'SQL Server’ connector with an extended query timeout. This resulted in a query timed out exception. The issue has been resolved, and users can now conduct data profiling on the RAW schema without encountering any errors as expected.

Copyright © 2023, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners, GA USA