The OvalEdge Release6.0.0.1 is the latest service release where the deployment process has been simplified by separating the Connector Library Jar from the OvalEdge war so that applications can be modularized and vulnerabilities can be removed from the core components.
In this release, the critical and significant bugs associated with the Data Stories, My Resources, Jobs, Advanced Tools, and Administration modules are fixed and working as expected.
Release Type Release Date
Service Release 10 December 2022
Connector Library Jar
To simplify deployment, the Connector Library Jar has been separated from the OvalEdge war, which helps modularize applications and remove vulnerabilities from the core components.
NOTE: In the Administration > Configuration, the OvalEdge path ovaledge.jar needs to be configured.
Bug Fixes
- While migrating from Release6.0_theta to release6.0.0.1, users were not able to log into the OvalEdge application using SAML and SSO authentication types.
Data Catalog
- In the Data Catalog | Summary, while processing the upstream/downstream objects using Copy Metadata using the Lineage option, if no information is selected for Direction and Content, it was not throwing any error message, but the color of the checkboxes was changing to Red color.
- In the Data Catalog | Tables | Columns, the Show in ER Diagram toggle button was not working appropriately.
- In the Data Catalog | Table Summary page, the Crawled and Profiled dates associated with the Table Object are captured incorrectly.
- In the Data Catalog | Reports, the user is unable to resize or fully view the MicroStrategy reports.
- In the Data Catalog | Queries, for a particular Snowflake query, even after running the query, some part of the query was missing in the Query History.
Data Stories
- While migrating the data story from release6.0_beta_rc1 to release6.0, the formatting of story content was getting lost.
- In the Data Story, when a user was trying to add a screenshot with text in the existing content, the content was not getting saved, and it is observed that the Edit and Save panels on the top of the data story editor are getting disappeared.
My Resources
- In the My Resources | My Watchlist, the Data Owner of a Table/Table Column/Report added to My Watchlist was not receiving any watchlist alert for the metadata changes.
- In the My Resources | Inbox, the Data Steward was not receiving the collaboration message in the inbox.
- In the Job | Log value, the user was not able to view the time duration of query execution on the Job > Log Value and Job > Main page.
- After executing the advanced job “ Load JdEdwards” manually, the job log is getting displayed with some unknown errors.
- In the Job, there was an error in the time stamp for the job workflow executed on the Job log page.
Advanced Tools
- Build Auto Lineage
- In the Advanced Tools | Build Auto Lineage, the lineage status UNPROCESSED was displayed twice for the Web Focus connection.
- In the Advanced Tools | Build Auto Lineage, for the PowerBI connector, the user could not view the query and dataset type, although lineage is available. For a few PowerBI reports, the user could not view both query and lineage despite building the lineage. Similarly, in some scenarios, lineage was built using the temp objects despite having the original objects.
- In the Advanced Tools | Build Auto Lineage for the SSRS reports, a few columns available in the remote database were not fetched to the OvalEdge application, causing the failed lineage.
- Load Metadata from Files
- In Load Metadata from Files | Business Glossary Template with data and without, when downloaded, the page wasn't responding.
- In the Load Metadata from Files | Business Glossary Terms, the association of a Term to specific data objects using the Connection name and schema name template details was not working.
- While building a lineage from Load metadata from files, it is optional to provide the Source Object ID and Destination object ID in the required template. However, the user could not build the lineage if the source Object ID and Destination object ID were not provided in the template.
- Connectors
- For Hadoop Connector (HDFS), Tomcat was unable to pick the jar configuration file with which the HDFS connector was bundled into the OvalEdge war. In order to exclude or include the HDFS connector for a specific client, a war is built accordingly.
- For Tableau Connector | Data Catalog | Report Columns, Visible/Invisible dropdown options are provided to display either visible or Invisible report columns on the UI.
- For the NFS Connector | Data Catalog | Files, if the file type XLS is profiled, a subfile will appear in the subfiles tab. Whenever a subfile contains data, the column details tab will be displayed. The column details tab, however, will be disabled when the subfile doesn't contain any data.
- For Workday Connector, the sample profiling data is getting displayed more data than the sample count data. Also, it was not displaying the column position after sample profiling.
- For Hopsworks Connector, The lineage feature is improvised to build lineage between two feature groups (tables).
- In the Administration > Connectors > Settings > Others, crawler alerts were sent to all available users when no Role was selected.
- Users & Roles
- In the Administration | User's & Roles, an edit option is provided to update the admin user details onboarded to the OvalEdge application via SAML SSO Authentication type.
- Advanced Jobs
- In the Administration | Advanced Jobs, the name of AssociateColumnSchemaTags advanced job is changed to AssociateTagsToObjectFields for a better understanding of the function of the advanced job.
- The advanced job Import Data Quality Rule was throwing a null point exception error even after providing a valid input file as an attribute. In another scenario, even after the input file gets executed, the DQ rules function, values, and associated objects were not getting populated in the Governance Catalog > Data Quality Rules module.
- In the Administration | Advanced Jobs, the advanced job Import Data Quality Rule was throwing a null point exception error even after providing a valid input file as an attribute. In another scenario, even after the input file gets executed, the DQ rules function, values, and associated objects were not getting populated in the Governance Catalog > Data Quality Rules module.
- In the Administration | Advanced Jobs, the advanced job Import Data Quality Rule was throwing a null point exception error even after providing a valid input file as an attribute. In another scenario, even after the input file gets executed, the DQ rules function, values, and associated objects were not getting populated in the Governance Catalog > Data Quality Rules module.
- In the Administration | Advanced Job, SSRS User Analytics advanced job is newly developed to provide the count of the number of times the source code of the SSRS report is changed by any particular user.
- In the Administration | Configuration, a new configuration load.reporturl is introduced to view the SSRS report in a new tab.
- Custom Fields
- The Code Custom Field type - Additional fields in Data Catalog or Business Glossary Code, the user is unable to save the entered details.
- In the Administration | Custom Fields, users were unable to view the extra parameters when crawling reports - Power BI on Premise.
- Schedule
- In the Administration | Schedule, the scheduled jobs for crawling and lineage building for the processed and newly/changed queries were failing for the PowerBI and other RDBMS connectors on the client machine.
Copyright © 2022, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners GA USA