OvalEdge Releases


The OvalEdge Release6.0.0.4 is the latest minor release that improves the display of Data Catalog Reports Summary details and integrates PowerBI with OneDrive.

In this release, the critical and significant bugs associated with the Migration, Business Glossary, Data Catalog, Service Desk, Advanced Tools, User & Roles, and Connectors modules are fixed and working as expected.

Release Type                                     Release Date

Minor Release                                  December 22, 2022


  • Data Catalog
    In Data Catalog > Reports > Report Columns > Summary page,  a new filter is enabled in the left panel to sort and view visible and invisible columns.
  • Advanced Tools
    In Load Metadata from Files, the Download Template with Data for Table column is now made functional.
  • Connectors 
    The existing PowerBI connector is improvised to integrate with OneDrive for fetching the external files existing in the OneDrive data source. Here, while establishing the PowerBI connection, the File Path dropdown menu is updated with two options - One Drive or Local Path, where the user can fetch the files either from One Drive or from Local Path.
    Note: For One Drive, it is necessary to provide the One Drive ConnectionId.

Bug Fixes

  1. Migration
    A migration issue was encountered in the masking policy from version 5.1 to version 5.2. This was due to missing migration scripts, the masking policy got undefined, and the column data was exposed without any masking applied.
  2. Home
    In My Profile, the user was not able to upload profile pictures due to an issue with the backend regex java code.
  3. Collaboration
    In the Collaboration Messages, when the user clicks on the assigned object (other than teams and users), it is getting navigated to the wrong page.
  4. Data Catalog
    In the Data Catalog > Codes > Codes summary page is unable to display the entire query when a Query is executed and saved using special characters such as >,<.
  5. Business Glossary
    1. In the Business Glossary > List View main Page:
      1. The pagination icon was not working properly.
      2. The complete Term Name is not getting displayed under the Terms columns.
      3. In the Tree view hierarchy, a lineage icon was not getting displayed to represent Categories, and the hover text is getting displayed as "collapse all" even though the tree is already collapsed.
  6. Data Story
    In the Data Story, when a new story with a screenshot is copied and pasted, and if the user is trying to edit the picture size, the complete save and edit panel disappears from the top of the story page.
  7. Service Desk 
    1. In the Service Desk, while raising a new service request, when a user selects multiple tables, and table columns, the selected tables and table columns were not displayed in the “Select Object” textbox.
    2. In the Service Desk, while raising a new service request, the “Data Quality Request for Table Column” request type, the objects associated with the selected request type are not getting saved.
  8. File Manager
    The text in JSON files or JSON files that are converted to TXT is not getting rendered correctly.
  9. Jobs
    In the Jobs main page, for the Query Job Type, the user is unable to view the duration taken in Job Logs and on the Duration field.
  10. Advanced Tools
    1. Load metadata from Files
      1. In Load metadata from Files, while downloading the Business Glossary template with data, the issue with Custom fields was encountered in the Client Environment. However, the scripts were run to solve the issue.
      2. While building a lineage from Load metadata from files, it is optional to provide the Source Object ID and Destination object ID in the required template. However, the user could not build the lineage if the source Object ID and Destination object ID were not provided in the template.
      3. In Load Metadata from Files, there was a misalignment issue with the header when the Business Glossary template was downloaded.
  11. Administration
    1. Users & Roles
      In the Users & Roles > Team tab, when a Business User tries to edit the name of a team, an appropriate message “Only Admins can edit the Team" instead of "Problem occurred" to caution the user.  
    2. Security
      In the Security > Approval Work Flow, even though the requestor and subsequent approver are members of the team, they are not receiving notifications.
    3. Custom Fields
      1. In the Code Custom Field, when the user tries to modify the existing option of any field from the upper level to the lower level and vice versa, the details are not getting saved and stored.
      2. In the Code Custom Field, the user cloud is able to enter the duplicate values for the Field Labels. Here, instead of throwing an error message, the system is accepting duplicate values.
    4. Connectors
      1. In the Connector, when a new connection has been established, the Owner, Steward, and Custodian details selected for that particular connector are not getting updated and displayed on the connector information page.
      2. In the Dremio connector, a profiling issue was encountered for the columns, which are actually the reserved keywords in the Dremio but now, this issue is handled by using Query.
      3. In the HDFS connector, at the time of validating the connector, an error was encountered 'unable to read the Kerberos'. However, to resolve this issue, the HDFS jar is separated from the Big Data Connector jar. It is included in the ovaledge jar bundle itself, as tomcat is not picking up the krb file provided in server arguments.
      4. For the Microstrategy connector, when a Dossier report group is crawled, the system throws an error, and here the user is unable to crawl the reports.

Copyright © 2022, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners GA USA