About OvalEdge 5.1.3
The OvalEdge 5.1.3 is the latest release updated with the License User Types and integrated with the new connector “Alteryx” to remove the corrupt data from a set, table, or database. The upgraded OvalEdge version is enhanced by providing the Filter and Column Filter Options, Log Viewer, and Search Icon in the required pages to view the relevant data in a more flexible manner.
In this release, the critical and major bugs associated with the Administration, Advanced Tools, Business Glossary, Compare Profile, Crawler, Data Catalog, Data Stories, DQR, Service Desk, Security, Tableau, and Reporting Framework are fixed and working as expected.
Release Type Release Date
Service Release 05 August, 2021
- License User Type Updates
The existing license types “Author & Reader” and “Reader Preview” is now consolidated to “Author & Analytical” and “Business User” with the following permissions:
License Type Permissions Author & Analytica MRDN, MRDP,MRDR,MRDW, MWDN,MWDP,MWDR,MWDW Business MRDN, MRDP - Business Glossary
- In the Business Glossary page, the Blank Field is provided in the Filter Options to filter the Terms that are not part of the Category & Sub-Category.
- The existing Global Search is enhanced with the “Relevant Search Words” option, where anything added to the relevant search words can be used to search for the Term.
- The Column Filter value is improvised with the “DomainName.CategoryName.SubCategoryName” that helps the users to view the Domain, Category, and Subcategory details associated with the Term.
- Query Sheet | Historic Query
The new Search Icon is included in the column of Query Name in the Historic Query page to search queries executed in the past. - Advanced Tools
- The Compare Schema is implemented in the Watch List notification, where if any metadata changes take place the notification message is sent to the Watchlist. Here the Compare Schema is used to compare modifications that took place and display the changes in tabular format with ‘Left Count’, ‘Right Count’, and ‘Change Count’. It also has a color code to describe the changes in a schema.
- In the Advanced Tools now users can access the OvalEdge API using a single click option.
- Administration
- In the Security | Manage Roles -The new Filter icon is implemented to select the different License Types.
- In the | Security | DAG - The new Search button is implemented on a column of Asset Group Name to search for the particular DAG.
- The new feature Log Viewer is included in the system that allows the Administrator to view the application logs from the UI.
- In the Crawler| Crawling/Profiling - The OvalEdge application now supports moving the chart records to the archive table while Crawling/Profiling.
- Connectors | Alteryx
The new connector “Alteryx” is added to the OvalEdge application. The Alteryx is a visual programming language software used for data science and analytics. It is used to remove the corrupt data from a set, table, or database (Data Cleaning).
Bug Fixes
- Data Catalog
- In the Query - When the user clicks on the Edit icon and removes the text and clicks on the Save button, the modifications are saved by displaying an error message. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- In the Files | Open one file | 9dots | Uncatalog File - This issue related to the cross button not working in the dialogue box is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Queries, if the Catalog Column values are Yes & No and when the user clicks on the filter the Catalog & Uncatalog options are being displayed. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- In the Tables | Additional Information Search | Date Custom Field - The issue related to the error indication is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Reporting Framework, the issue related to the Comments not working even when the user provides the comment for Annotations Summary Report by Type is now fixed and working as expected.
- Business Glossary
- In the Business Glossary | Recommendations | Unclassified - The issue related to the table column count is fixed and working as expected.
- In the Business Glossary, the issue related to the popularity score not working is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Business Glossary, the issue related to the display of the Steward and Publisher columns is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Business Glossary, for the Published Terms, the Edit icon for Related Terms and Tags is missing. Now, this issue is fixed and the Edit Icon is displayed or Related Terms and Tags.
- Data Stories
- In the Projects, the issue related to the deleted Story Zone still existing in the OE database is now resolved and working as expected.
- Governance Catalog | Data Quality Rule
- The Execution fail is showing for the validate Pattern and validate Regex Rules when associated with Postgres and SQL Server DB. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- The issue related to the Graphs not loading in Tribal Knowledge in the Data literacy board page is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the DQI Index page, the issue related to the Status is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Custom SQL | SQL Value Contains - The issue related to the Rule getting Fail even after giving the correct value from the query in the DQR page is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the File DQR, the issue related to the Validate Date function is now resolved and working as expected.
- Governance Catalog | Service Desk
- In the Service Desk | Content Change Request Type | Object Type Table | Table Name - When the user clicks on the View Object an error message is displayed in the Data Catalog. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- In the Service Desk | Request Type | Object Type - When the user clicks on the Create Request option an error message is displayed. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- In the Service Desk, when the user raises any Service Request, the Expiration Date is shown as the Preceding Date. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- In the Service Desk, when the user creates a request for "New Asset Request" and selects the Table Column, the Term is not being removed even though the table doesn't have a term. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- In the Service Desk, the issue related to the selection of the blank dropdowns in the Crawl and Profile Request types is now resolved and working as expected.
- Jobs
- In the Jobs, when the user clicks on the Download button, the Job Logs pop window disappears. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- Advanced Tools
- In the Impact Analysis, the issue related to the Impact Level Filter is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Load Metadata From Files - The issue related to the affected objects template analysis not accepting the data is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Compare Profile, when the Table search returns the multiple values are displayed for the same results. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected
- The issue related to creating the advanced job for parsing JSON data in tables is now resolved and working as expected.
- Administration
- In the Security | Manage Roles - The "No Licence Type Available" message is displayed. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- In the Security | Application Tab - The issue related to the OE_PUBLIC user adding the permission is now resolved and working as expected.
- In Security | Table Columns - The issue related to the Column Type filter is now fixed and working as expected.
- In the Security | Domains - The issue related to the Available Roles showing incorrect permissions is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Crawler | Settings | Query Log Type | The include query type values entered in the Query Log Type field is getting saved but not being displayed. Now, this issue is fixed and working as expected.
- Connectors
- In the Connectors | SISENSE Connection and Crawl - When the user navigates to Chrome Extension and logins to the Source, the Certification Policy is not getting displayed. Now, this issue is fixed and the Certification Policy is working as expected.
- In the Connectors | Tableau | Dremio Lineage, the issue related to the non-display of the test data is now resolved and working as expected.
- In the Connectors | Tableau Reports, at the Workbook, the Add to Favorites button is displayed. Now, this issue is fixed and the Add to Favorites button is removed from the Workbook.
Copyright © 2019, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners GA USA