OvalEdge Releases

Release 5.1.1

About OvalEdge 5.1.1

The OvalEdge 5.1.1 is the latest release improvised with the Global Search, DQR, Business Glossary, and Lineage Maintenance.

In this release, the critical and major bugs associated with File Connections, Format Query button, Publish button, Lineage Maintenance Page, Data Catalog, Elastic Search, Data Quality Rule, and Service Desk are fixed and working as expected.

Release Type                                                  Release Date

Service  Release                                            30 June, 2021

New Features

  • Global Search
    The Global search fields display search results in the alphabetical sorting order.
  • Data Quality Rule Page
    In the Data Quality Rule page “Created by” and “Created on” are removed and a new column of Execution Status and Last Run time is implemented.
  • Home Page Tags
    The Data Quality Rule tab has been included in the Home Page.
  • Business Glossary
    The popup window name is corrected as “Additional Information Search in Business Glossary”.
  • Lineage Maintenance
    The Add button of "+Associate Target Object" is renamed as “+Associate Destination Object”.

Bug Fixes

  1. File Connections | Job Step Name - Job Step Name is showing ID instead of the name of a connector. Now, the issue is fixed and working as expected.
  2. Advanced Tools | build auto lineage | correct query | Format Query - The issue with the Format Query button is resolved.
  3.  Business Glossary - Publish button for non-admin user role type was restricted and now the user can see publish button.

  4. Data Catalog |Lineage Maintenance Page  - The delete button was not working on the Lineage Maintenance page. Now, the issue is fixed and working as expected.

  5. Data Catalog | Schema | Crawled and Profiled - The date and time were not displayed with the same timestamp. This change has been made consistent all over the application.

  6. DAG - A User was unable to remove the DAG tag from DataCatalog 9 dots option. Now, the issue is fixed and working as expected.
  7. Elastic Search - When a user searches any table and clicks on apply in steward name, the result was not displayed according to the selection. Now, the issue is fixed and working as expected.
  8. File Manager | NFS | Upload file - 'Select your directory' button was showing inactive. Now, the issue is fixed and working as expected.
  9. DQR - Earlier, the user was unable to add the DQR. Now, the issue is fixed and working as expected.

  10. Governance Catalog | Data quality Rule | click on any rule - Tag adding functionality to the data quality rule was not working. Now, the issue is fixed and working as expected.
  11. Service desk - The issue with the display of the project with admin and the non-admin users is resolved.

Copyright © 2019, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners GA USA