Deep Dive Articles

My Resources - A Deep Dive


In this document, we will look at OvalEdge’s “My Resources” section of the data governance platform. The “My Resources” area is a central hub designed to help users in their data governance work. 


This exploration will cover inbox management, user profiles, project tasks, service requests, permissions, and watchlists in detail. By using real-life examples, we aim to show how "My Resources" makes data governance more efficient.

Understanding the 'My Resources' Section

Navigate to ‘My Resources’ from the top right corner (account user icon) and view the corresponding sub-modules, including 

  1. Inbox
  2. My Profile
  3. My Project Tasks
  4. My Requests
  5. My Desk
  6. My Watchlist

1. Inbox

OvalEdge Inbox is a central part of the user experience, bringing together various features that help users manage their communication and data interactions. In the Inbox, users can engage in team or individual conversation threads, handle notifications, and keep track of data governance activities. This unified space is a hub for discussions related to data, promoting collaboration and the exchange of knowledge among users.

  • Common Components in Inbox

In OvalEdge Inbox, seven sub-tabs can be found corresponding to different areas of the platform. These sub-tabs are Data Catalog, Business Glossary, Projects, Service Desk, Governance Catalog, Data Quality, and System Alerts.

                Three essential areas make navigating these sub-tabs efficient:

      1. Search Bar & Data Filters: Use the search bar to quickly find specific messages or discussions in your inbox, even by their unique "Message-ID." Data filters help you manage messages precisely, allowing filtering by a specific date range or customization to suit the user's needs. This ensures that the communication history is well-organized and easy to navigate.
      1. Clear Messages: Users have the flexibility to clear notifications individually by clicking on the trash icon when hovering over a message. For handling multiple messages efficiently, users can use checkbox selection (All or This Page) to clear messages in bulk. Messages that have been cleared are stored in the "Cleared Messages" section within the Inbox, ensuring your communication history remains organized and free of clutter.
      1. Reply to Selected Texts: In OvalEdge Inbox, replying to messages is a straightforward and user-friendly process. This feature allows users to respond to messages and engage in productive conversations with ease. Whether users are answering questions, sharing insights, or collaborating with colleagues, OvalEdge's reply function ensures that communication is efficient and effective. This streamlined reply feature fosters connection, information exchange, and collaboration in the OvalEdge data governance ecosystem.
    • Data Catalog

      The first sub-tab within the "Inbox" section of "My Resources" offers users an organized platform for efficiently managing notifications related to various data catalog objects. Notifications within the Data Catalog:

      1. Metadata Changes: Users will receive notifications for various metadata modifications, including alterations to business and technical descriptions, governance role changes, tag changes, term changes, custom field changes, endorsements, and certifications.
      2. Source Metadata Changes: This category keeps users informed about any updates or alterations to source metadata, ensuring that they remain up to date on critical data source modifications.
      3. Significant Data Changes: OvalEdge actively tracks significant data changes, alerting users when such alterations occur, thus ensuring data integrity and security.
      4. Code Changes: Notifications in this category inform users of any changes or updates related to codes in the data catalog. 
        Notes: Users can enable notifications for Metadata changes, Source Metadata Changes, Significant Data Changes, and code Changes from My Watchlist.
      5. Governance Role Assigned: When governance roles are assigned or modified, users will receive alerts, allowing them to stay current with their roles and responsibilities.
      6. Mentions: OvalEdge facilitates user collaboration through mention notifications, ensuring that users are promptly informed when they are mentioned in discussions or documents. Any user could collaborate with the team or individual by mentioning them with '@' and choosing the name from the user list.
    • Business Glossary

      In OvalEdge's My Resources, specifically within the Inbox. The second sub-tab, Business Glossary, caters to a range of notifications tailored to domains and terms.  Notifications within the Business Glossary:

      1. Metadata Changes: Get notifications for term changes like publishing, republishing, or alterations to governance roles. The system keeps track of updates in term associations and relationships, and you'll be alerted for new term creations or removals from the glossary.
        Notes: Users can enable notifications for Metadata changes from My Watchlist.
      2. Governance Role Assignments: As governance within your business glossary evolves, OvalEdge ensures that you remain in the loop about role assignments. You'll receive notifications when specific roles are assigned or reassigned to relevant glossary terms, promoting transparency and accountability.
      3. Mentions: Effective collaboration is at the heart of OvalEdge's design. Users receive notifications when they are mentioned in discussions or communications, fostering a connected and interactive environment within the Business Glossary sub-tab. Any user could collaborate with the team or individual by mentioning them with '@' and choosing the name from the user list.
    • Project 

      The third sub-tab focuses on Projects, acting as a central hub for efficient project management and collaboration. Notifications within Projects:
      1. Task Assignment: When a task is assigned to a user within a project, the user will receive a notification. This feature ensures that users are always aware of their project responsibilities.
      2. Task Status Change: Stay informed about the progress of project tasks. OvalEdge will promptly notify the user when there are changes in the status of tasks they are involved in.
      3. Project Owner Updates: If there are changes in project ownership or project owner updates, the user will receive notifications to keep them in the loop.
      4. Invitation to Project: Whenever a user is invited to join a project, OvalEdge will notify the user so that they can promptly engage with the project.
      5. Ownership Assignment: Stay informed when project ownership is assigned or reassigned.
      6. Mentions: Mentions in OvalEdge ensure that users are well-informed about project discussions and tasks, preventing them from missing any important references or discussions. Any user could collaborate with the team or individual by mentioning them with '@' and choosing the name from the user list.
    • Service Desk
      The fourth sub-tab is dedicated to the Service Desk. This is where all service-related requests and inquiries are managed efficiently.
      Notifications within the Service Desk:
      1. Service Request Opened: Whenever a new service request is initiated, OvalEdge will promptly notify the user. This ensures that the user is aware of new requests that may require their attention or involvement.
      2. Service Request Approved: When a service request is approved, the user will be informed. This is crucial for keeping track of the progress of service-related tasks.
      3. Service Request Rejected: In the event of a rejected service request, OvalEdge will notify the user, providing clarity on changes in request status.
      4. Service Request Fulfillment: When a service request is fulfilled or completed, OvalEdge will ensure the user is aware of this development.
      5. Service Request Status Change: Stay informed about any changes in the status of the service requests, ensuring the users are always up-to-date on their progress.
      6. Service Request SLA Pre Notifications: The Approver will be proactively notified when the SLA for a service request is about to exceed. This pre-notification serves as an alert, allowing the approver to take preventive actions and address any potential issues before the SLA limit is breached.
      7. Service Request SLA Post Notifications: Once the SLA for a service request has exceeded the designated timeframe, the approver will receive a post-notification. This notification informs users about the delayed service request and prompts them to review and take necessary actions to address any issues or concerns arising from the SLA breach.
      8. Service Request Approval Workflow (If you are part of it): If a user is part of a service request approval workflow, OvalEdge ensures that the user is notified when their approval or involvement is required. This keeps the user actively engaged in the service request process.
    • Governance Catalog 

      The fifth sub-tab is dedicated to the Governance Catalog. This section is vital for managing governance-related information and activities within the OvalEdge platform. Notifications within the Governance Catalog:
      1. Metadata Changes in ROPA (Records of Processing Activities): OvalEdge is designed to keep users informed about significant changes within the processing activities. These include modifications such as processing activity name changes, group updates, data subjects alterations, description revisions, risk classification adjustments, changes in collection points, processor modifications, controller updates, variations in security controls, shifts in systems used for processing, updates in automated decision-making processes, amendments to lawful criteria for processing, source changes, adjustments in third-party vendors, modifications in disposal methods, revisions in retention periods, changes in storage arrangements, variations in electronic storage, adjustments in groups with access, as well as report name and description changes. OvalEdge ensures that users stay up to date with these essential metadata changes, which are critical for compliance and data governance.
      2. Attribute Changes: OvalEdge provides notifications related to attribute changes within the reference data management activities. This ensures users are always aware of modifications to attributes, helping users maintain data accuracy and consistency.
      3. Mentions: OvalEdge allows users to mention one another within the Governance Catalog, facilitating communication and collaboration. Whenever users are mentioned in a conversation, OvalEdge will notify the user, ensuring they are informed and can actively engage in discussions and collaborations. Any user could collaborate with the team or individual by mentioning them with '@' and choosing the name from the user list.
    •  Data Quality 

      The sixth sub-tab is dedicated to Data Quality, a crucial aspect of data governance and management. Here, users can anticipate receiving notifications related to various data quality-related activities to ensure the integrity and reliability of the data. Notifications within the Data Quality:
      1. Data Quality Rules - Pass or Fail: OvalEdge's data quality module keeps users informed about the outcomes of the data quality rules. Users will receive notifications indicating whether the data adheres to the predefined quality standards (pass) or if it falls short of these criteria (fail). These notifications are essential for ensuring data accuracy and adherence to data quality standards.
      2. Anomaly Detection: OvalEdge's data quality tools employ anomaly detection algorithms to identify irregularities or outliers in your data. You will receive notifications when such anomalies are detected. Timely notifications regarding data anomalies are crucial for identifying potential data issues or anomalies that may require further investigation.
      3. Control Center: OvalEdge Data Quality Control Center is the central hub for managing data quality initiatives. Notifications related to Control Center activities will keep users informed about changes and updates to the data quality control processes. Whether it is setting up new quality rules, adjusting parameters, or managing data quality projects, these notifications help users stay on top of the data quality efforts.
    • System Alerts

      The seventh sub-tab is designated for OvalEdge System Alerts. Here, users can stay informed about various critical system-related events and actions.

      Notifications within the System Alerts:
      1. Crawling: Users will receive alerts related to data crawling activities. These notifications provide insights into the progress and status of data extraction processes, ensuring you are aware of any issues or updates in data retrieval.
      2. Job Workflow: Job workflows can result in different outcomes. Users will receive notifications for job workflows when they either encounter errors, complete or achieve partial success. These notifications allow users to monitor and respond to workflow events efficiently.
      3. Connector Health Check: OvalEdge conducts regular health checks on connectors to ensure the seamless flow of data. Users will receive alerts regarding connector health, providing insights into the performance and reliability of data connectors.
      4. Impact Analysis Invitation: Notifications related to impact analysis invitations will be received in this sub-tab. Impact analysis is crucial for understanding the potential consequences of changes or actions within the data environment.
      5. Question Wall: The Question Wall feature facilitates interactive discussions and knowledge sharing among users. Notifications related to new questions, answers, and discussions on the Question Wall will be delivered through this sub-tab.
      6. Mentions: Users may be mentioned in various parts of the application. Users will receive notifications when they are mentioned, helping them stay engaged in relevant conversations and activities. Any user could collaborate with the team or individual by mentioning them with '@' and choosing the name from the user list.
  • Question Wall

In OvalEdge, there is a notification system for the Question Wall. When a user asks a question, the system instantly notifies the dedicated Question Wall panel. This quick notification ensures that expert users are promptly alerted of new questions.

    • Question Wall Panel
      This real-time notification is a key part of the Question Wall, making responses fast and problem-solving efficient. 

      This dynamic interaction in the OvalEdge app is a valuable resource, offering users the information and guidance they need for effective data governance. It shows our commitment to creating a responsive and user-friendly environment for our community members.
      Notes: Within the Question Wall Panel, members can be added through the system settings > others, ‘questions.wall.panel'. Users can input the desired value.
    • Posting Questions

      The Question Wall lets users ask questions and get help from the OvalEdge users, promoting knowledge-sharing and collaborative problem-solving. When users face issues, they can submit questions on the Question Wall, fostering open discussions among community members. Expert users often provide solutions and insights. The Question Wall is a useful knowledge repository, with resolved questions moved to the "Closed" section for future reference. Accessed conveniently from the Inbox, it is a central hub for addressing queries and seeking help in OvalEdge.

    • Sorting & Searching
      • Search Bar: The search bar in OvalEdge's Inbox helps users find messages. This important tool lets users quickly locate specific messages, discussions, or communication threads. Whether the user needs a recent conversation, important info, or a specific contact, the search bar makes it easy.
      • Date Filter: Users can filter the Question Wall area by data by choosing a specific date range for chronological organization or customize a date range for more tailored filtering. This feature offers flexibility and simplicity, making it easy for users to streamline their message management.
    • Active Tab
      • Reply to Questions: Users have the option to actively engage with questions by clicking on the "Reply" button located right towards each question. This feature allows them to provide detailed and helpful responses to queries, facilitating open discussions and knowledge sharing.
      • Like Questions: To express agreement or appreciation for a question, users can utilize the "Like" button positioned below the question. Liking questions is a way to acknowledge the relevance and significance of the query, helping others identify valuable content more easily. Users have the option to unselect the like button if it is deemed unnecessary.
      • Close Questions: Once a query has been satisfactorily addressed or resolved, users have the authority to close it. This action can be executed through the three-dot menu associated with the question. By closing a question, users effectively indicate that the query is no longer active or in need of additional responses. Closed questions serve as valuable references for future users who may encounter similar issues.
      • Navigate to Relevant Locations: Some questions may include hyperlinks to specific resources or documents that pertain to the query. Users can easily navigate to the intended destination by clicking on these hyperlinks within the question. This feature ensures that users can access additional context or relevant information directly related to the question, enhancing the overall support experience.
      • View Timestamp: Users can check the timestamp below the username to see when the question was originally posted. This provides context about the timing of the question, helping users understand its relevance and whether it pertains to current circumstances.
    • Closed Status

    • Review Closed Questions: The "Closed" tab serves as a repository for questions that have been successfully addressed and resolved. Users can access this section to review previously answered questions. This is a valuable resource for future reference, as it allows users to learn from past inquiries and their solutions.
    • View Question Details: Users can view the content of the question, including the original query, responses, and timestamps (posting date and time). This enables users to understand the context of the question, the solutions provided, and when these interactions took place. It is a convenient way to access historical information and solutions related to specific topics.
  • Sent Messages

    Users have access to a "Sent Messages" section under their inbox. This section provides users with a comprehensive view of all the messages they have sent within the application. OvalEdge users commonly send messages in various areas of the application, including "Collaboration," "Question Wall," and "Story Zone."

    1. Collaboration: OvalEdge fosters collaboration among its users. Messages exchanged in the "Collaboration" enable individuals to discuss, share insights, and work together on data governance and management tasks. Users can access their sent messages here, providing visibility into their communication history.
    2. Question Wall: The "Question Wall" is a dedicated space within OvalEdge where users can actively ask questions and seek help. Users can post queries, and expert users can respond to these questions. Messages sent in the "Question Wall" are also recorded in the "Sent Messages" section for reference.
    3. Story Zone: OvalEdge's "Story Zone" is where users can share insights, experiences, and success stories related to data governance. Messages exchanged in this section, whether they are part of a data governance success story or informational discussions, are tracked in the "Sent Messages" area.
  • Teams

    In OvalEdge's My Resources, the Inbox sub-module introduces a teamwork feature. If a user is a part of anOvalEdge team, their names will be shown, making communication and task management easier within teams. Once a user has been made part of a team, the Inbox layout stays the same, and team-related discussions and tasks seamlessly integrate with the standard Inbox. This ensures easy access and effective management of team-related activities, improving your overall teamwork experience in OvalEdge.

    • Common Components in Teams

      In OvalEdge's Inbox, there are seven sub-tabs: Data Catalog, Business Glossary, Projects, Service Desk, Governance Catalog, Data Quality, and System Alerts. What makes moving through these sub-tabs easy are the three tools they all have in common. These tools enhance interaction with the platform across all sub-tabs.

        1. Search Bar: In OvalEdge's Inbox, the search bar helps users find messages fast and accurately. Whether the user needs to find a recent conversation, important info, or a specific contact, the search bar makes it easy. 
        2. Date Filter: Users can choose either a specific date range or customize a date filter in the Teams space as well. Selecting a date range organizes messages chronologically, ensuring a clear and orderly communication history. For more tailored filtering, the custom date range option allows users to define specific date parameters, granting them full control over message organization. 
        3. Clear Messages for Teams: Users have the flexibility to clear notifications individually by simply hovering over a message and clicking on the trash icon. For efficient handling of multiple messages, use the checkbox selection (All or This Page) and clear messages in bulk. Cleared messages are neatly organized in the "Cleared Messages" section within the Inbox, keeping communication history clutter-free and easy to navigate. 
        4. Reply to Selected Texts: In OvalEdge's Inbox, replying is a seamless and user-friendly process. This feature allows users to respond to messages and engage in productive conversations effortlessly. Users can compose and send replies with ease. Whether they are addressing inquiries, sharing insights, or collaborating with colleagues, OvalEdge's reply function ensures that users’ communication is efficient and effective. 
    • Cleared Messages

      In OvalEdge's Inbox, there are seven sub-tabs: Data Catalog, Business Glossary, Projects, Service Desk, Governance Catalog, Data Quality, and System Alerts. What makes moving through these tabs easy are the three tools they all have in common. These tools enhance your interaction with the platform across all tabs.

      • Common Components in Cleared Messages 

        1. Search Bar: OvalEdge's Inbox features a powerful search bar for quick and precise message retrieval. This tool enables users to swiftly locate specific messages, discussions, or communication threads within their inboxes. Whether searching for recent conversations, critical information, or specific contacts, the search bar streamlines the process.
        2. Date Filter: OvalEdge's Inbox provides a robust data filtering feature for precise message management. Users can choose between two options: selecting a specific date range or customizing it. Filtering by a selected date range organizes messages chronologically for clarity, while the custom date range option allows users to define specific parameters for more tailored message organization.
        3. Delete Messages: Users can efficiently delete multiple messages by utilizing the checkbox selection (All or This Page) for bulk deletion. The application allows users to permanently remove messages, enhancing data privacy, optimizing storage, and providing control over communication history by enabling the deletion of unnecessary messages.
        4. Move to Active: Users can individually move notifications to the primary Inbox by hovering over a message and clicking the restore icon. For efficient handling of multiple messages, utilize checkbox selection (All or This Page) for bulk activation. Moved notifications are neatly organized within the Inbox's module. In case of unintentional clearance, messages can be easily restored. OvalEdge's message restoration feature streamlines recovery from the "Cleared Messages" section, offering enhanced control over communication history and ensuring easy retrieval of important messages for an improved user experience.

    2. My Profile

    The "My Profile" feature in OvalEdge is the gateway to a personalized user experience within our comprehensive data governance tool. This description outlines the key functionalities of this feature and how it empowers users to maintain and customize their essential profile details with ease.

    • Editing Profile

      In the user profile management section, users can edit various personal details and preferences.

      The following fields can be modified:
      1. First Name: Users can update or change their first name according to their preferences.
      2. Last Name: Similarly, users have the flexibility to edit their last name to reflect accurate information.
      3. Email: Users can manage and edit their email address, ensuring that it is up to date.
      4. User Name: It is important to note that the username, which serves as a unique identifier, cannot be edited. This ensures the consistency of user identification within the system.
      5. Phone: Users can add, edit, or remove their phone number, allowing for accurate contact information.
      6. Slack ID: If integrated with Slack, users can input or modify their Slack ID for seamless communication.
      7. Microsoft Teams ID: For Microsoft Teams integration, users can update their Microsoft Teams ID as needed.
      8. Google Chats ID: If integrated with Google Chat, users can edit their Google Chats ID.
      9. Change Picture: Users can upload, change, or remove their profile picture. This enables them to personalize their profile and make it easily recognizable to others.
    • Changing Password

      1. Current Password Validation: To ensure security, users must first enter their current password. This step prevents unauthorized changes and confirms the user's identity.
      2. Setting a New Password: After successfully validating their current password, users can proceed to set a new password. The new password is required to meet security requirements, ensuring its strength and reliability.
        Notes: The Password should contain at least one UpperCase, LowerCase, Number(0-9), and Special Character(@,#,$,%,^,&,-,+,=,(,),!,*) with a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 16 characters.
      3. Confirming New Password: To minimize errors and ensure accuracy, users are prompted to confirm their new password. This step is a safeguard, preventing unintentional mistakes.
      4. Password Change Success: Once the user has entered and confirmed their new password, the system will process the change, and a success notification email will confirm that the password has been updated successfully.
    • View Permissions

      The "View Permissions" feature is specifically designed for users with author-licensed roles in OvalEdge. This feature allows these users to access and review permissions within the application.

      When Author-licensed users click on "View Permissions," the following actions are enabled.
      1. Redirection to My Permissions Page: Clicking on "View Permissions" redirects users to the "My Permissions" page. Here, they can access detailed information about their permissions and roles within OvalEdge.
    • Downloading API Credentials

      OvalEdge is committed to user convenience and security. The"Download API Credentials" feature, simplifies the process of obtaining API credentials in a secure and accessible format.

      1. API Credential Download: OvalEdge users can effortlessly download their API credentials in a .crd format. This format ensures compatibility and security when accessing and using their API credentials. API credentials serve as a key mechanism for securing API interactions, ensuring that only authorized entities gain access and preventing unauthorized parties from exploiting or manipulating the API.
      2. OvalEdge Chrome Plugin Integration: The downloaded API credentials play a vital role in the OvalEdge Chrome Plugin. Users can utilize these credentials to log in seamlessly, accessing the functionality and benefits of the plugin.
    • License Type, Roles, and Teams Showcase

      In OvalEdge, transparency and access to user roles and team memberships are vital aspects of a user's journey. The OvalEdge,  "My Profile" section provides transparency for users to view and access their role and team information.

      Key Information Displayed:
      1. User Roles: OvalEdge displays the roles assigned to each user. These roles define the user's permissions and responsibilities within the system, ensuring clear boundaries and efficient collaboration. 
      2. Teams: Users can conveniently view the teams they are part of. Team memberships are critical for coordinated efforts, and this feature promotes collaboration and communication among team members.
    • License Type: Users can quickly view their license type, which is categorized into "Author" and "Viewer." This concise feature provides clarity about their access to OvalEge.
    • Notification Management

      In OvalEdge, there is a robust notification management system within "My Profile." This system offers users a range of options to customize and manage notification preferences across five available channels: In-App, Email, Slack, MS Teams, and Google Chat.

      Here's how it works:
      1. Module-Wide Notification Management: Users have the flexibility to enable or disable notifications for entire modules using a toggle button. Even if a module's notifications are temporarily disabled, users' preferences remain marked. When re-enabling notifications, there is no need to reconfigure preferences.
      2. Delivery Frequency Customization: Users can tailor the frequency of notifications to their preferences. Options include "Immediate," "Daily," and "Weekly." Some events, like mentions, are inherently immediate and cannot be configured otherwise. This ensures users receive timely alerts for critical events.
      3. Effortless Individual and Bulk Preferences: Users can fine-tune their notification preferences individually for specific events or, for efficiency, update multiple preferences in bulk. Hovering over a channel name provides a quick way to enable or disable notifications for all related events. For example, users can choose to receive all data catalog notifications in their Slack channel with a simple hover-and-click action.

    3. My Project Tasks

      • List View: Tasks are listed one below the other, making it easy to scroll through and read the details of each task. 
      • Kanban View: Tasks are divided into different columns, representing the task's status, like "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done." Users can move tasks between these columns by dragging and dropping them. It is great for visualizing your workflow and seeing which tasks are in progress or completed at a glance.
    • Board Views

      In the board view, choose a project, once selected, the board will display the tasks specifically from that project. This way, users are not overwhelmed by seeing tasks from all projects at once.

      1. Advanced Search Criteria: Users can initiate advanced searches by selecting from criteria, including:
        1. Object Type: Filter tasks based on the type of object they relate to, ensuring focused results.
        2. Object Name: Search for tasks by the name of the associated object.
        3. Status Name: Filter tasks by their current status, enabling users to locate tasks at various stages of completion.
        4. Task Notes: Search within task notes for specific keywords or information.
        5. Last Updated By: Locate tasks based on the user who last updated them, aiding in accountability and tracking.
        6. Created By: Filter tasks based on the user who initially created them, offering insight into task origins.

          In the Kanban board, a user sees their tasks organized into "New," "On Hold," "In Progress," and "Completed." The user can tidy up their board by collapsing sections with a “-” symbol.

          If users want more details about a task, they can open it in a new tab. Plus, users have quick options. They can click on a task for a brief look or hover over it for editing. This makes it easy to update the task's status, assign it, add comments, and more.
          Notes: Any changes made here will show up in the main project section too. So, it's all connected.
    • List View

    • In this view, users can access a comprehensive list of tasks assigned to them. The list format simplifies task overview and management. Users can view the tasks based on the object type.

    • In the list view, a user can gain an overview of all their assigned tasks, covering a broad spectrum of objects including databases, tables, table columns, files, file columns, reports, report columns, codes, data stories, terms, APIs, and API attributes. These tasks are thoughtfully organized within the list view tab based on their specific object type. This categorization streamlines task management, making it easier to find, review, and handle assignments effectively.
    Actions performed in list page view: In List View, users can hover over a task and click on the pencil icon for quick status changes. This pencil icon allows users to update the task's status, assignee, and task notes ensuring a user-friendly approach to task management


    4. My Requests

    • Navigating to My Requests Under the Service Desk

      OvalEdge prioritizes providing users with a streamlined and accessible experience. This includes the "My Requests" sub-module, where users can efficiently manage their service requests.

      This sub-module is seamlessly integrated into the Service Desk module, providing a centralized hub for all service-related activities.
      1. User-Centric Navigation: Users can conveniently access their service requests through the "My Requests" sub-module. This centralized location ensures that all service-related activities are easily accessible and manageable in one place.

    5. My Desk

    • Understanding User Permissions with the Help of Governance Roles

      OvalEdge strives to empower users with the knowledge and control they need over their permissions. The "My Permissions" sub-module, nestled within "My Resources," is designed to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of their permissions within OvalEdge. What sets this feature apart is its unique integration with governance roles, which simplifies the process of permissions management.

      1. Governance Role Selection: Users are prompted to first select their governance role, which could be Steward, Owner, Custodian, or Custom Governance Role. This role selection sets the context for permissions management.
      2. Object-Based Permissions: With their chosen governance role as a guide, users can easily check and configure permissions for a wide array of data objects, including databases, tables, table columns, files, file columns, reports, report columns, terms, data tags, APIs, and API Attributes.
    • Filtering, Sorting, and Searching Capabilities

      Each object type, be it databases, tables, table columns, files, file columns, reports, report columns, terms, DAG tags, APIs, or API Attributes, has a suite of powerful actions to make users’ experience searching seamless.

      1. Sorting: Users have the flexibility to sort the content based on their preferences. This ensures that the information they need is always at their fingertips, arranged in the most convenient order.
      2. Searching: Search functionality allows users to quickly pinpoint specific content within the chosen object type. Whether they are looking for a particular database, file, or term.
      3. Filtering: To further refine content discovery, users can apply filters based on various criteria. This tailored approach ensures that users find precisely what they are looking for without unnecessary distractions.
    • Downloading Authorized Objects

      Users can download a CSV file by clicking "Download" at the bottom right of the table. This file contains a list of objects they have authorized access to. This feature is a handy tool, allowing users to quickly get an updated record of their authorized access. The CSV file presents the information in a structured format, making it easy to review, share, or use as needed. It's particularly useful for reference, documentation, or any other purposes that require a record of authorized access within the application.

    6. My Watchlist

    The Watchlist module in our Ovaledge application, housed under My Resources, allows users to watch a personalized list of databases, tables, table columns, reports, report columns, codes, APIs, API Attributes, domains, terms, processing activities, and ROPA Reports. This tailored list empowers users to configure notifications according to their preferences, facilitating efficient management of adding or removing objects for individual users.

    • Common Components in Watchlist

    • Within each object type, be it databases, tables, table columns, reports, report columns, codes, APIs, or API Attributes, domains, terms, processing activities, and ROPA reports OvalEdge provides a suite of powerful actions to make navigation seamless.

      1. Sorting: Users have the flexibility to sort the content based on their preferences. This ensures that the information they need is always at their fingertips, arranged in the most convenient order.
      2. Searching: OvalEdge search functionality allows users to quickly pinpoint specific content within the chosen object type. Whether they are looking for a particular database, file, or term, the OvalEdge search feature streamlines the process.
      3. Filtering: To further refine content discovery, users can apply filters based on various criteria. This tailored approach ensures that users find precisely what they are looking for without unnecessary distractions.
    • Configuring Notifications

      • Data Catalog

        • Metadata changes: Any modifications to the data object's business descriptions, technical descriptions, tags, terms, custom fields, governance roles, certification, or endorsement will be reflected in the OvalEdge instance. This helps users keep current with the most recent information by guaranteeing that they are informed about any additions or adjustments to the metadata.
        • Source metadata changes: In addition to changes made within the OvalEdge instance, users can also receive notifications when there are updates to the data object at the remote source. This feature enables users to monitor changes that occur externally, ensuring they have the most accurate and current metadata information available.
        • Significant data changes: This feature provides users with the ability to receive notifications regarding significant data changes in the data object located at the remote source. These changes can be the addition or deletion of new rows within the data object.
        • Users can define a threshold value, and notifications can be triggered if the change in row counts exceeds this threshold.  For example, if the threshold is set to 50% and the row count of the data object increases by more than 50%, a notification will be generated.

        • Code Change: OvalEdge "Code Change" feature ensures that you are always up-to-date on any modifications in the code, whether it's within our application or at the source level. Here is how it works: users have the power to customize their notifications by adding specific codes to their watchlist and enabling the notification checkbox. By doing so, users receive real-time alerts whenever these codes are altered, helping them stay on top of code changes that matter most to them.
      • Business Glossary

        • Metadata changes: OvalEdge will reflect any changes made to the domains or terms in the following scenarios: Term Published, Term Created, Term Deleted, Term Governance Role Change, Term Association Updated, and Term Relationship Updated. This ensures that users are aware of any updates or changes to the metadata, which helps users stay up to date with the most recent information.
      • Governance Catalog

        • Metadata changes: Users have the ability as an ROPA user to receive notifications regarding actions performed on specific ROPA  Processing Activities and Reports. To enable this feature, users need to add the desired Processing Activity or Report to their watchlists. Once added, these activities and reports will be displayed on the Watchlist, ensuring convenient access and timely notifications.
    • Adding Objects to Watchlist 

      • Data Catalog

        Users have the flexibility to add various objects, including databases, tables, table columns, reports, report columns, codes, APIs, and API Attributes, from two different locations - the List View page and the Summary Page. This dual functionality streamlines the process of managing and adding objects to their preferred lists, offering users a convenient choice to suit their workflow.

        Whether users prefer the comprehensive summary view or the detailed list view, users can efficiently add the objects to the watchlist using 9 dots and track or work with them. This flexibility ensures that users can work in a way that aligns with their specific needs and preferences, enhancing their overall user experience and productivity within the application.
      • Business Glossary

        • Domains

          In OvalEdge, adding domains to a watchlist is a streamlined process, and users can do this directly from the Summary Page. This convenient feature allows users to quickly select and include specific domains of interest for monitoring or management. By offering the option to add domains from the Summary Page, OvalEdge simplifies the process, ensuring that users can efficiently customize their watchlist with domains relevant to their responsibilities or objectives. This direct accessibility enhances the user experience, providing a straightforward way to manage the domains they need effectively.
        • Terms

          Users have the flexibility to add terms to their watchlist from two different locations - the List View page and the Summary Page. This dual functionality streamlines the process of managing and adding terms to their preferred lists, offering users a convenient choice to suit their workflow.

          Whether users prefer the comprehensive summary view or the detailed list view, users can efficiently add the terms they want to track or work with. This flexibility ensures that users can work in a way that aligns with their specific needs and preferences, enhancing their overall user experience and productivity within the application.
      • ROPA

        Users have the convenience of adding Processing Activities and ROPA Reports to their watchlists from two different interfaces - the List View page and the Summary Page. This dual functionality provides users with flexibility in managing these critical components of data governance.

        Users can choose their preferred interface, whether they favor the concise list view or the more comprehensive summary view. This approach ensures that users can efficiently add these objects to their watchlist, accommodating their specific workflow and needs. It enhances the user experience by allowing them to tailor their interactions with the application according to their preferences, ultimately boosting productivity and effectiveness in managing Processing Activities and ROPA Reports.
    • Removing Objects from Watchlist

      • Data Catalog 

        Users have the flexibility to remove Data Catalog Objects from their watchlist through multiple entry points, namely the List View Page, Summary Page, and Watchlist Page. This comprehensive approach empowers users to curate their data governance experience finely.

        1. List View Page: Users can easily remove data objects from their watchlist directly from the List View Page. This intuitive feature streamlines the process of managing watched data objects, ensuring that users have full control over their watchlist content.
        2. Summary Page: Removing data objects from the watchlist is just as straightforward as the Summary Page. Users can quickly review the data objects they are monitoring and remove those that are no longer relevant or required.
        3. Watchlist Page: For a centralized and holistic view of their watched data objects, users can visit the dedicated Watchlist Page. Here, they can review, organize, and remove data objects with ease.
      • Business Glossary

        • Domains

          Users have the flexibility to remove domains from their watchlist through multiple entry points, namely the Summary Page and Watchlist Page. This comprehensive approach empowers users to finely curate their data governance experience.
        1. Summary Page: Removing domains from the watchlist is just as straightforward as the Summary Page. Users can quickly review the domains they are monitoring and remove those that are no longer relevant or required.
        2. Watchlist Page: For a centralized and holistic view of their watched domains, users can visit the dedicated Watchlist Page. Here, they can review, organize, and remove domains with ease.
        • Terms 

          Users have the flexibility to remove terms from their watchlist through multiple entry points, namely the List View Page, Summary Page, and Watchlist Page. This comprehensive approach empowers users to finely curate their data governance experience.

        1. List View Page: Users can easily remove terms from their watchlist directly from the List View Page. This intuitive feature streamlines the process of managing watched terms, ensuring that users have full control over their watchlist content.
        2. Summary Page: Removing terms from the watchlist is just as straightforward as the Summary Page. Users can quickly review the terms they are monitoring and remove those that are no longer relevant or required.
        3. Watchlist Page: For a centralized and holistic view of their watched terms, users can visit the dedicated Watchlist Page. Here, they can review, organize, and remove terms with ease.
      • ROPA 

        Users have the flexibility to remove Processing Activities and ROPA Reports from their watchlist through multiple entry points, namely the List View Page, Summary Page, and Watchlist Page. This comprehensive approach empowers users to finely curate their data governance experience.

        1. List View Page: Users can easily remove Processing Activities and ROPA Reports from their watchlist directly from the List View Page. This intuitive feature streamlines the process of managing watched activities and reports, ensuring that users have full control over their watchlist content.
        2. Summary Page: Removing Processing Activities and ROPA Reports from the watchlist is just as straightforward from the Summary Page. Users can quickly review the items they are monitoring and remove those that are no longer relevant or required.
        3. Watchlist Page: For a centralized and holistic view of their watched Processing Activities and ROPA Reports, users can visit the dedicated Watchlist Page. Here, they can review, organize, and remove these items with ease.


    In Conclusion, Ovaledge's My Resources module helps users manage and use data effectively. It includes sections like Inbox, My Profile, My Project Tasks, My Service Requests, My Permissions, and My Watchlist, each with useful features. Ovaledge empowers users to organize messages, set up profiles, handle project tasks, and keep an eye on important data.

    My Resources provides the tools for users to use data well and adapt to changes in the data world. Whether a single user or part of a team, users can personalize their experience, maximizing their data usage. `