
Matillion Connector

Connectivity Summary

The connector supports crawling of Orchestration and Transformation Jobs from Projects as datasets based on versions.

matiilion connectorWindows Requirements

machine requirements

Edition Version Support
Version Default Version Supported

Technical Specifications

The connector capabilities are shown below:


Feature Supported Objects Remarks


Get Project Groups and Projects as Schemas.

Differentiating the ProjectGroup and Project as ProjectGroup ~~ Project 


Lineage Building

Lineage Entities Details

Table to Table


Table-File Lineage


File - Table Lineage


Column lineage




To use the connector, the following permissions are needed:

  • A service account for crawling is required.
  • The Connection details specified in the Table below should be available.
Operation  Access Permissions

Connection validate

Should have API Role permission for the given specified Matillion Instance

Crawl Jobs with Project Groups and Projects

Should have read access for the specified Project Group and Project 


Connection Details

The following connection settings are required for connecting to Matillion:

manage connection 2

Property Details

Database Type


License Type

Auto Lineage

Connection Name

Select a Connection name for the Matillion. The name that you specify is a reference name to easily identify the Matillion Connection in OvalEdge. Example: matilllion_dev


Provide the appropriate Matillion Instance URL


Provide the UserName which has an API Role


Provide the respective Password.

How to Validate the Lineage

  1. Open the Matillion Instance with the respective username and password.
  2. Open a specific Project from the Project Group.

References: Developed Snowflake for the AWS instance.


Note 1: The path of the Orchestration / Transformation jobs is shown in custom fields TCF1.

Note 2: The versions of the Jobs are shown in Dataset Name as versionname~~jobname.