
Linux Installation Guide


A.  Installation Prerequisites 

Review the hardware prerequisite to ensure that your environment meets the minimum standards before you perform the installation.

B.  Software Prerequisites

Review the software prerequisites and ensure that your environment meets the minimum standards before you start the installation.  

  • Install My SQL 
  • Install OvalEdge Database 
  • Install Java 
  • Install or Copy Tomcat 
  • Deploy Web Application 

C.  Hardware Prerequisites

OvalEdge has two components, web application, and algorithms. 

For the web application, OvalEdge requires the following minimum hardware configuration: 

Component Minimum Recommended
Processor 2 Core Processors 4 Core Processors
Memory 8 GB RAM 16 GB RAM
Disk 50 GB Physical Disk Space for the Installation 100 GB Physical Disk Space for the SSD

For algorithms, OvalEdge is dependent upon the participating Hadoop cluster and various databases it connects to.  

Installing OvalEdge

Component 1

Install My SQL 

  1. Download the rpm bundles - Download and add the following MySQL Yum repository to your respective Linux distribution system’s repository list to install the latest version of MySQL.

2.     Install the downloaded package with the following command.

sudo yum localinstall mysql57-community-release-el7-11.noarch.rpm

3.     Verify that the MySQL Yum repository has been added successfully by using the following command.

sudo yum repolist enabled | grep "mysql.*-community.*"

4.   Installing the Latest MySQL Version

sudo yum install mysql-community-server
5.    Starting the MySQL Server
sudo service mysqld start
6.    To verify the status : 
sudo service mysqld status
7.    Securing the MySQL Installation
  • Get the root user password using the below command :
sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
  • Execute the secure MySQL installation tool
sudo mysql_secure_installation
  • Enter the temporary password and create a new password for root. Login into MySQL with the command:
mysql -u root -p


In MySQL, my.ini config file user needs to be set the below details:

Before adding stop the MySQL services and then add it and save and start the services

[client] - default-character-set=utf8mb4

[mysql] - default-character-set=utf8mb4

[mysqld] - 

collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci

init-connect='SET NAMES utf8mb4'

character-set-server = utf8mb4


Install OvalEdge Database and some .sql scripts 

  1. Connect to MySQL 
mysql>​source /home/linux_user/vx.x/1.database.sql mysql>​show databases; 

Now you can see the OvalEdge database is created successfully. 

2.  Run all the remaining .sql files.

mysql>​source /home/linux_user/vX/2.tables.sql 

mysql>​source /home/linux_user/vX.X/3.views.sql

mysql>​source /home/linux_user/vX.X/ 


mysql>​ALTER TABLE helpcenter_topic CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;​  

mysql>​source /home/linux_user/vX.X/9.helpcenter.sql

mysql>​source /home/linux_user/vX.X/6.validate.sql 

     mysql> select * from version;​  

Component 2

Install Java 

  1. Go to Oracle JDK8 and download the web URL -


2.    Login in with valid creds and click on download Linux x86 RPM Package
Oracle 2

3.   Move the package into the remote machine either with SCP.

4.   Install the java package with the command

sudo yum localinstall jdk-8u251-linux-i586.rpm 

The below command has been used if running any error only

  • To troubleshoot the Bad ELF Error, Run the following command and retry installing JAVA.
sudo yum provides

sudo yum install glibc-2.17-307.e17.1.i686 
  • Verify the Java version with the command
java -version


  • Set the Environment Variable JAVA_HOME
  • Find the JDK path, export the variable in bash_profile, and open the Editor
vi ~/.bash_profile
  • To make the changes saved permanently, run the command
source ~/.bash_profile 
  • To verify the path set

Component 3

Install or Copy Tomcat 

  1. Go to the Apache Tomcat Website to download apache-tomcat-9.0.63
  2. wget it into the remote server


Note: There are two system type variable available on the website for Windows 32bit/Windows 64bit.   

    3.  Unzip the downloaded apache tomcat archive.

Deploy Web Application 

  • Move ovaledge.war file to Webapps folder. We need to move the root.war file.
Source path: /home/linux_user/ovaledge.war
Destination path: /home/linux_user/apache-tomcat-8.5.40/webapps/ovaledge.war 
linux_user@ip-XXX-XX-X-XX:~$ ​mv /home/linux_user/ovaledge.war 

  • Run the below command to start the Tomcat Server
linux_user@ip-XXX-XX-X-XX:~$ ​cd apache-tomcat-8.5.40/bin/ linux_user@ip-XXX-XX-X-XX:~/apache-tomcat-8.5.40/bin$ ​./ 
  • Run the command below to stop the Tomcat server. 
linux_user@ip-XXX-XX-X-XX:~/apache-tomcat-8.5.40/bin$ ​./ 

Settings in ​​ file  

  • We need to check the Port number Username and Password details on ​​ file. 

This file is available in - /home/linux_user/apache-tomcat-8.5.40/webapps/ovaledge/WEB-INF/classes​ folder 

linux_user@ip-XXX-XX-X-XX:~$ ​cd 

  • Check whether the file exists in the classes folder.

 ls Spring-Config.xml  com                   ehcache.xml  letters           logback.xml  ​​   saml     udfCollector    users.ldif 

application.yml  i18n  net          org  scripts  udfdetails.txt  xsd 
  • To view the content in file use cat command as shown below :
linux_user@ip-XXX-XX-X-XX:~/apache-tomcat-8.5.40/webapps/ovaledge/WEB-INF/classes$ ​cat #local DB Credentials


url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ovaledgedb?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 username=ovaledge password=XXXXXXXXXX ovaledge.role.public=OE_PUBLIC 

samlHTTPMetadataProvider= saml/metadata 
  • To Edit the content of the file, use vim command as shown below 
linux_user@ip-XXX-XX-X-XX:~/apache-tomcat-8.5.40/webapps/ovaledge/WEB-INF/classes$ ​vim 

Type “i” to go to insert mode 

Do the changes you want and press ESC and type “:wq!” and press Enter. 

If you want to exit without making any changes, press ESC and type “:q!” and press Enter. 

  • And run the ./ cmd under tomcat bin folder 
  • Restart the tomcat server after the configuration

Verify user Installation

Please use the following command (whenever Tomcat doesn't restart properly) after storing in a shell script. 


Copy-paste the following and save the file: 

 #Finds the tomcat process id 

ps -ef|grep tomcat | grep org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap | awk -F  " " '{print $2}' > tomcatProcessID 

#Kills the process id returned from above-mentioned command. 

kill -9 `cat tomcatProcessID` && echo "Tomcat killed Successfully" ;rm -rf tomcatProcessID 

#Start the server 

exec /usr/local/tomcat8/bin/ 

#Make it executable 

chmod +x 

#Run it. 


Copyright © 2019, OvalEdge LLC, Peachtree Corners GA USA