
Lineage Versioning


Lineage versioning is a new feature in OvalEdge, to help users understand how lineage of the data objects changes over time as the data system change to support new business or technical requirements. This is supported for object and column levels for  HQL Files & RDBMS.


Whenever a dataset is modified in the source system, a new lineage version for it is built in OvalEdge platform, which will be shown first by default. 

To activate lineage versioning 

  • Go to Administration 🡪 Configuration 🡪 set the value as ‘true’ for the key ‘add.dataset.lineage.version’ as shown below:


This will display a new option, ‘Version History’, in the  menu option for datasets.



Clicking on the Version History option displays the list of lineage versions available for the dataset. Selecting a version will set the lineage version as the selected version, and all the tabs displaying the information will be updated accordingly.