Rest API 5.0

Lineage Services

Lineages are built in the OvalEdge application, where we can look into the data movement and dataflow from source to destination (one or more).

This service deals with the following related APIs:

  • Delete Lineage
  • Insert Lineage
  • Insert Lineage with names
  • Get Lineage Column Graph
  • Get Lineage Column Graph with names
  • Get Lineage Graph
  • Get Lineage Graph with names
  • Trigger Lineage creation for Dashboard

1. Delete Lineage

Delete Lineage method deletes the Lineage and Lineage Columns with input Lineage Id.

Mandatory Field: lineageId.

Method URL Parameter
deleteLineage /api/deleteLineage/{lineageId} {lineageId}



  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "lineage with id 1002 is deleted",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {}


2. Delete Lineage By Object Type

This API is used to delete the lineage for the given object id and object type.

Mandatory Field: objectId, objectType.

Method URL Parameter
deleteLineage /api/deleteLineage/{lineageId} {lineageId}

Sample request 

ObjectId - 45

ObjecType - oeschema/oedomain/filefolder

Sample response


  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "Lineage Deleted successfully for [objectId] = 45 and object type - oeschema",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {}


3. Delete Lineage using Object Id

This Api is to delete the lineage using objectId.

Mandatory Field: objectId, objectType.

Method Name






Sample Request Body


  "ObjectId": 0

“ObjectType”: “Chart”


Sample Response Body


  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": { }


4. Insert Lineage

Insert Lineage method creates a new Lineage between source and destination with the given input through the Request body, Source and Destination can be Table, File and Report.

Mandatory Field: sourceColumnId, targetColumnId, sourceId, sourceType, targetId, targetType if(refId is provided then these are mandatory fileds : refConnectionId,refName,refSchemaId).

Method URL
insertLineage /api/insertLineage

Request Body


  "columns": [


      "columnInfo": "string",

      "sourceColumnId": 0, *

      "sourceColumnType": "string", *

      "targetColumnId": 0, *

      "targetColumnType": "string"*



  "lineageWiki": "string",*

  "refType": "string",*

  "refValue": "string",*

  "sourceId": 0, *

  "sourceType": "string",*

  "targetId": 0, *

  "targetType": "string" *




  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "lineage": {

      "sourceId": 1133,

      "sourceType": "OETABLE",

      "targetId": 1004,

      "targetType": "OETABLE",

      "refType": "SQL",

      "refValue": "select * from lineage",

      "columns": [


          "sourceColumnId": 2407,

          "sourceColumnType": "OETABLE",

          "targetColumnId": 2662,

          "targetColumnType": "OETABLE",

          "columnInfo": "Info SourceRef Column Test"



      "lineageWiki": "Lineage wiki 1133-1004 lineage"




5. Insert Lineage With Names

This API builds lineage with source and target with names as input.

Mandatory Fields

  • sourceConnectionName
  • sourceSchema 
  • sourceName 
  • sourceType 
  • targetConnectionName 
  • targetSchema 
  • targetName
  • targetType 
  • refType 
  • refValue
  • sourceColumnName 
  • targetColumnName
  • refConnectionName
  • refName
  • refSchema
  •  sourceNamemsourceSchema
Method URL
insertLineageWithNames /api/insertLineageWithNames

Request Body


  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "lineage": {

      "sourceId": 1133,

      "sourceType": "OETABLE",

      "targetId": 1004,

      "targetType": "OETABLE",

      "refType": "SQL",

      "refValue": "select * from lineage",

      "columns": [


          "sourceColumnId": 2407,

          "sourceColumnType": "OETABLE",

          "targetColumnId": 2662,

          "targetColumnType": "OETABLE",

          "columnInfo": "Info SourceRef Column Test"



      "lineageWiki": "Lineage wiki 1133-1004 lineage"




6. Get Lineage Column Graph

Mandatory Field:objectId, objectType.

Method URL Parameter
getLineageColumnGraph /api/lineagecolumngraph {objectId},{objectType}


"status": true, 

"statusCode": "lineage is created with lineage id 13",  "statusMsg": "", 

"response": { 

"lineage": {  

"sourceId": 1000, 

"sourceType": "OETABLE",  

"targetId": 1906,  

"targetType": "OEFILE",  

"refType": "SQL", 

"refValue": "select * from datedim",  

"columns": [ 

"sourceColumnId": 1004,  

"sourceColumnType": "OETABLE",  

"targetColumnId": 1,  

"targetColumnType": "OEFILE",  

"columnInfo": "" 


"lineageWiki": "string" 


7. Get Lineage column graph with names

This API is used to get the lineage graphs of both upstream (parent) and downstream (child) objects of given column details.

Mandatory Field: connectionName, objectName, objectType, schemaName, tableName.





/api/lineagecolumngraphwit hnames?connectionName=

{connectionName}&objectN ame={objectName}&object Type={objectType}&schem aName={schemaName}&ta bleName={tableName}

connectionName={connectionN ame}&objectName={objectNam e}&objectType={objectType}&sc hemaName={schemaName}&ta bleName={tableName}


"status": true,  

"statusCode": "", 


"statusMsg": "",  

"response": {  

"lineageGraph": { 

"queryType": null,  

"dbName": "dbo",  

"name": "dailysales",  

"tableid": 1006, 

"fileid": 0,  

"fileLocation": null,  

"node": "root",  

"downstreamObjects": [ 

"queryType": null, 

"dbName": "MSSQL.SuperStoreDWH.dbo",  "name": "dailysales", 

"tableid": 1017, 

"fileid": 0,  

"fileLocation": null,  

"node": "child", 

"downstreamObjects": null,  

"upstreamObjects": null,  

"isParent": false,  

"nodeValue": false,  

"datasetid": 0,  

"datasetname": null,  

"externalType": "OETABLE",  

"objectType": "TABLE",  

"objectid": 0,

"objectName": null,  

"objectProp": null,  

"lineageId": 1, 

"lineageExtId": 1, 

"columnId": 0,  

"inputArray": null,  

"inputLineageIds": null,  

"level": 0, 

"connectionName": "Dremio",  

"columnName": null,  

"parentId": "1006TABLE",  

"childId": null, 

"maxNode": 2,  

"steward": null,  

"chartid": 0, 

"hasMoreLineageLevel": false,  

"inProject": true 


"queryType": null,  

"dbName": "/", 

"name": "affiliated_with.csv",  

"tableid": 0, 

"fileid": 1906, 

"fileLocation": "/hospital-demo-bucket/",  "node": "child", 

"downstreamObjects": null,  

"upstreamObjects": null,

"isParent": false,  

"nodeValue": false,  

"datasetid": 0,  

"datasetname": null,  

"externalType": "OEFILE",  "objectType": "FILE",  

"objectid": 0,  

"objectName": null,  

"objectProp": null,  

"lineageId": 3, 

"lineageExtId": 3, 

"columnId": 0,  

"inputArray": null,  

"inputLineageIds": null,  

"level": 0,  

"connectionName": "S3",  "columnName": null,  

"parentId":"1006TABLE",  "childId": null,  

"maxNode": 2, 

"steward": null,  

"chartid": 0, 

"hasMoreLineageLevel": false,  "inProject": false 


"upstreamObjects": null,  

"isParent": null,

"nodeValue": false,  

"datasetid": 0,  

"datasetname": null,  

"externalType": "OETABLE",  "objectType": "TABLE",  

"objectid": 0, 

"objectName": null,  

"objectProp": null,  

"lineageId": 0, 

"lineageExtId": 0, 

"columnId": 0,  

"inputArray": null,  

"inputLineageIds": null,  

"level": 0, 

"connectionName": "Sql Server",  "columnName": null, 

"parentId": null,  

"childId": null,  

"maxNode": 2,  

"steward": null,  

"chartid": 0, 

"hasMoreLineageLevel": false,  "inProject": true 


8. Get Lineage Graph

Get Lineage Graph method returns Lineage Graph with Object Id and Object type.

Mandatory Field: objectId, objectType.

Method URL Parameter
getLineageGraph /api/lineagegraph {objectId},{objectType}



  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "lineageGraph": {

      "queryType": null,

      "dbName": "ovaledgedb",

      "name": "images",

      "tableid": 1117,

      "fileid": 0,

      "node": "root",

      "children": [


          "queryType": null,

          "dbName": null,

          "name": "SQL#1021",

          "tableid": 0,

          "fileid": 0,

          "node": "child",

          "children": [


              "queryType": null,

              "dbName": "ovaledgedb",

              "name": "a_dqruleobject",

              "tableid": 1002,

              "fileid": 0,

              "node": "child",

              "children": null,

              "parents": null,

              "isParent": false,

              "nodeValue": false,

              "datasetid": 1021,

              "datasetname": null,

              "externalType": "OETABLE",

              "objectType": "TABLE",

              "objectid": 0,

              "objectName": null,

              "objectProp": null,

              "lineageId": 1000,

              "lineageExtId": 1000,

              "columnId": 0,

              "inputArray": null,

              "inputLineageIds": null,

              "level": 0,

              "connectionName": "mysql",

              "columnName": null,

              "parentId": "1021DATASET",

              "childId": null,

              "maxNode": 1,

              "steward": null,

              "chartid": 0,

              "inProject": false



          "parents": null,

          "isParent": false,

          "nodeValue": true,

          "datasetid": 1021,

          "datasetname": null,

          "externalType": "DATASET",

          "objectType": "DATASET",

          "objectid": 0,

          "objectName": null,

          "objectProp": null,

          "lineageId": 1000,

          "lineageExtId": 1000,

          "columnId": 0,

          "inputArray": null,

          "inputLineageIds": null,

          "level": 0,

          "connectionName": null,

          "columnName": null,

          "parentId": "1117TABLE",

          "childId": null,

          "maxNode": 1,

          "steward": null,

          "chartid": 0,

          "inProject": false



      "parents": null,

      "isParent": null,

      "nodeValue": false,

      "datasetid": 0,

      "datasetname": null,

      "externalType": "OETABLE",

      "objectType": "TABLE",

      "objectid": 0,

      "objectName": null,

      "objectProp": null,

      "lineageId": 0,

      "lineageExtId": 0,

      "columnId": 0,

      "inputArray": null,

      "inputLineageIds": null,

      "level": 0,

      "connectionName": "mysql",

      "columnName": null,

      "parentId": null,

      "childId": null,

      "maxNode": 1,

      "steward": null,

      "chartid": 0,

      "inProject": false




9. Get lineage graph with names

This API is used to get the lineage graphs of both upstream (parent) and downstream (child) objects of a given input object. 

Mandatory Field: connectionName, objectName, objectType, schemaName.





/api/lineagegraphwithname s?connectionName={conne ctionName}&objectName={ objectName}&objectType={ objectType}&schemaName


connectionName={connectionN ame}&objectName={objectNam e}&objectType={objectType}&sc hemaName={schemaName}



"status": true,  

"statusCode": "", 

"statusMsg": "",  

"response": { 

connectionName={connectionName}&objectName={objectNam  e}&objectType={objectType}&sc  hemaName={schemaName} 

"lineageGraph": { 

"queryType": null, 

"dbName": "dbo", 

"name": "dailysales", 

"tableid": 1006, 

"fileid": 0, 

"fileLocation": null, 

"node": "root", 

"downstreamObjects": [ 

"queryType": null, 

"dbName": "MSSQL.SuperStoreDWH.dbo", "name": "dailysales", 

"tableid": 1017, 

"fileid": 0, 

"fileLocation": null, 

"node": "child", 

"downstreamObjects": null, 

"upstreamObjects": null, 

"isParent": false, 

"nodeValue": false, 

"datasetid": 0, 

"datasetname": null, 

"externalType": "OETABLE", 

"objectType": "TABLE", 

"objectid": 0, 

"objectName": null, 

"objectProp": null, 

"lineageId": 1, 

"lineageExtId": 1, 

"columnId": 0,

"inputArray": null, 

"inputLineageIds": null, 

"level": 0, 

"connectionName": "Dremio", 

"columnName": null, 

"parentId": "1006TABLE", 

"childId": null, 

"maxNode": 2, 

"steward": null, 

"chartid": 0, 

"hasMoreLineageLevel": false, 

"inProject": true 


"queryType": null, 

"dbName": "/", 

"name": "affiliated_with.csv", 

"tableid": 0, 

"fileid": 1906, 

"fileLocation": "/hospital-demo-bucket/", "node": "child", 

"downstreamObjects": null, 

"upstreamObjects": null, 

"isParent": false, 

"nodeValue": false, 

"datasetid": 0, 

"datasetname": null, 

"externalType": "OEFILE", 

"objectType": "FILE", 

"objectid": 0, 

"objectName": null,

"objectProp": null, 

"lineageId": 3, 

"lineageExtId": 3, 

"columnId": 0, 

"inputArray": null, 

"inputLineageIds": null, 

"level": 0, 

"connectionName": "S3", 

"columnName": null, 

"parentId": "1006TABLE", "childId": null, 

"maxNode": 2, 

"steward": null, 

"chartid": 0, 

"hasMoreLineageLevel": false, "inProject": false 


"upstreamObjects": null, 

"isParent": null, 

"nodeValue": false, 

"datasetid": 0, 

"datasetname": null, 

"externalType": "OETABLE", "objectType": "TABLE", 

"objectid": 0, 

"objectName": null, 

"objectProp": null, 

"lineageId": 0, 

"lineageExtId": 0, 

"columnId": 0,

"inputArray": null,  

"inputLineageIds": null,  

"level": 0, 

"connectionName": "Sql Server",  

"columnName": null, 

"parentId": null,  

"childId": null,  

"maxNode": 2,  

"steward": null,  

"chartid": 0, 

"hasMoreLineageLevel": false,  

"inProject": true 


10. Trigger Lineage Creation For Dashboard

This API triggers lineage creation for the given dashboard or for the dashboards from the given connection.

Mandatory Field: chartId,chartName, connectionId, clientName, connectionName, domainId, domainName, domainNames.

Method URL
triggerLineageCreationForDashboard /api/triggerLineageCreationForDashboard

Request Body


  "connectionId": 123,

  "connectionName": "string",

  "domainId": 456,

  "domainName": “string”,

  “chartId”: 123,

  “chartName”: “string”,

  “clientName”: “string”


Response Body


  "status": “”,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": “”,

  "response": {

“Job Schedule Info”: “Job is scheduled with job id : 1234”

