This API is completely related to the jobs. Available API's under Job Services are:
Get Advance Job
Get Job Status
Run Advance Job
Update Advance Job
Change Status
Get Job Details
1. Get Advance Job
This API is used to get the advance job details using Id.
Mandatory Field: advancejobid.
Method |
Parameter |
getAdvanceJob |
api/job/getAdvanceJob?advancejobid={advancejobid} |
advancejobid={advancejobid} |
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Details": {
"advancejobid": 1000,
"ajname": "Load table catalog from dictionary",
"ajtype": "LOADCATALOG",
"classname": "com.ovaledge.oasis.advance.LoadTblCatalogImpl",
"help": "This job would load catalog from the staging table stg_catalog. Move your data dictionary into this table and then run this job.",
"attr1": "false",
"attr2": "false",
"attr3": "false",
"attr4": "true",
"attr5": "",
"attr1label": "Update Title(true/false)",
"attr2label": "Update Business description(true/false)",
"attr3label": "Update Technical description(true/false)",
"attr4label": "Create Missing Tags(true/false)",
"attr5label": "Attr5"
2. Get Job Status
There are some APIs that return Job Id as a response to get the status of the jobs using this Job Id.
- Schema API --> crawlExistingSchema, crawlNewSchema
- Lineage API --> triggerLineageCreationForDashboard
Using the Job Id received as part of the response, we get the job status by calling getJobStatus API.
It requires a job id as input and returns job status.
Mandatory Field: jobId.
Method | URL | Parameter |
getJobStatus | /api/job/getJobStatus/{jobId} | {jobId} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "lineage with id 1002 is deleted",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
“Status”: “SUCCESS”
3. Run Advance Job
This API is used to run the Advance job using advance Job Id.
Mandatory Field: advancejobid.
Method |
Parameter |
runAdvanceJob |
api/job/runAdvanceJob?advancejobid={advancejobid} |
advancejobid={advancejobid} |
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Advance Job Sucessfully submitted with Job Id": 1077 }
4. Update Advance Job
This API is used to update the Advance job parameters using advance job id.
Mandatory Field: advancejobid.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
updateAdvanceJob |
api/job/updateAdvanceJob?advancejobid={advancejobid}&attr1={attr1}&attr2={attr2}&attr3={attr3}&attr4={attr4}&attr5={attr5} |
updateAdvanceJob ={advancejobid}&attr1={attr1}&attr2={attr2}&attr3={attr3}&attr4={attr4}&attr5={attr5} |
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"job": {
"advancejobid": 1000,
"ajname": "Load table catalog from dictionary",
"ajtype": "LOADCATALOG",
"classname": "com.ovaledge.oasis.advance.LoadTblCatalogImpl",
"help": "This job would load catalog from the staging table stg_catalog. Move your data dictionary into this table and then run this job.",
"attr1": "false",
"attr2": "false",
"attr3": "true",
"attr4": "false",
"attr5": null,
"attr1label": "Update Title(true/false)",
"attr2label": "Update Business description(true/false)",
"attr3label": "Update Technical description(true/false)",
"attr4label": "Create Missing Tags(true/false)",
"attr5label": "Attr5"
5. Change Status
This API is to change the status of a job like how we do in the application jobs page
As part of this API, you can perform the following actions
- Initialize: We can use (INIT) to initialize any job by giving multiple job id’s.
- Killing: We can use (KILLING) to kill any job by providing job id’s.
- Hold: We can use (HOLD) to hold a job.
Mandatory Field: jobStepIdList, status.
Method Name |
Parameters |
changeStatus |
Mandatory Fields
- jobStepIdList: Allowed values are integers
- Status: Allowed values are (INIT/KILLING/HOLD)
Request Body
"jobStepIdList": [
"status": "init"
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"status": {
"150": "Success",
"151": "Success"
Request Body
"jobStepIdList": [
"status": "initi"
Response Body
"status": false,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "Valid [Status] can be INIT/KILLING/HOLD .",
"response": {}
Request Body
"jobStepIdList": [
"status": "integer"
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"status": {
"152": "Success",
"123234": "No job is present with this jobStepId"
Request Body
"jobStepIdList": [
"status": "init"
Response Body
"status": false,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "[jobStepIdList] cannot be empty.",
"response": {}
6. Get Job Details
This API is to get job details of a job will give us jobs that we need with help of the following parameters
- endingTimeStamp: This takes the date from the user and gives output till the date what jobs are done by the user.
- startingTimeStamp: This takes the date from the user and gives an output from the date what jobs are done by the user.
- statusList: This takes a list of status from a user like SUCCESS /PARTIAL SUCCESS / ERROR by which the user can get what status he required.
Method Name |
Parameters |
getJobDetails |
EndDate,StartDate,StatusList |
Mandatory Fields
EndingTimeStamp: Allowed format is (YYYY-MM-DD)
StartingTimeStamp: Allowed format is (YYYY-MM-DD)
StatusList: Allowed values are (SUCCESS/PARTIAL SUCCESS,ERROR)
Request Body
"endDate":”” ,
"startDate": “”,
"statusList": [
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Job Details": [
"status": "SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1000,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1000,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : sqlser.Person",
"createdate": "2021-12-31 06:19:33.0"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1000,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1001,
"jobstepname": "Profiling for schema : sqlser.Person",
"createdate": "2021-12-31 06:19:33.0"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1001,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1002,
"jobstepname": "Archiving Audit Tables",
"createdate": "2022-01-01 02:00:02.0"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1002,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1003,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : sqlser.Production",
"createdate": "2022-01-01 13:00:00.0"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1003,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1004,
"jobstepname": "Archiving Audit Tables",
"createdate": "2022-01-02 02:00:02.0"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1004,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1005,
"jobstepname": "Archiving Audit Tables",
"createdate": "2022-01-03 05:27:05.0"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1005,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1006,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : mysql.ovaledgedb",
"createdate": "2022-01-03 09:50:51.0"
Request Body
"endDate":”2021-11-10” ,
"startDate": “2021-11-01”,
"statusList": [
Response Body
"status": false,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "Invalid [endingTimeStamp] format , it should be 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'",
"response": {}
Request Body
"endDate":”2021-11-10 10:10:11” ,
"startDate": “2021-11-01 09:10:12”,
"statusList": [
Response Body
"status": false,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "InvalidStatus : 'sucss'. Valid status are :ERROR, SUCCESS, PARTIAL SUCCESS, KILLING, KILLED, HOLD",
"response": {}
Request Body
"endDate":”” ,
"startDate": “2022-01-01 10:10:11”,
"statusList": [
“partial success”
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Job Details": [
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1018,
"userid": "",
"jobstepid": 1021,
"jobstepname": "Crawl users, roles and permissions : 1003",
"createdate": "2022-01-03 10:28:32.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1292,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1303,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : sqlser.HumanResources",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 08:46:41.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1293,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1304,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : mysql.ovaledgedb51",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 09:16:00.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1294,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1305,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : mysql.ovaledgedb51",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 10:16:00.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1295,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1306,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : mysql.ovaledgedb51",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 11:16:00.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1296,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1307,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M.default",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 11:23:54.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1297,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1308,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M.dg_work",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 11:23:54.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1299,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1310,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M.ovaledge",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 11:23:54.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1320,
"userid": "admin",
"jobstepid": 1331,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : mysql.ovaledgedb51",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:16:00.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1321,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1332,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M.default",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:21:18.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1322,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1333,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M.dg_work",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:21:18.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1324,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1335,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M.ovaledge",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:21:18.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1327,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1338,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M66.default",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:26:24.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1328,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1339,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M66.dg_work",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:26:24.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1330,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1341,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : HiveKerberos-M66.ovaledge",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:26:24.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1339,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1350,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.information_schema",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1340,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1351,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.BankerDatabse",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1341,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1352,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.CUSTOMERORDER",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1342,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1353,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.bitnami_suitecrm",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1343,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1354,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.looker_tmp",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1344,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1355,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.microstrategy",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1345,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1356,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.ovaledgedb",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1346,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1357,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.ovaledgedb51",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
"status": "PARTIAL SUCCESS",
"jobId": 1347,
"userid": "madhu",
"jobstepid": 1358,
"jobstepname": "Crawling for schema : Mysql-Local.sakila",
"createdate": "2022-01-10 12:47:12.0"
7. GetJobStepStatus
This API is to check the status of a job
Mandatory Field: jobStepId.
Method Name |
Parameters |
getjobStepStatus |
/api/job/getJobStepStatus/{jobStepId} |
jobStepId |
Mandatory Fields:
- jobStepId: Allowed values are integers
Request Body
"jobStepId": 1
Response Body
"status": false,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "No job found with jobId 1",
"response": {}
Request Body
"jobStepId": 0
Response Body
"status": false,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "jobId should not be blank or zero",
"response": {}
Request Body
"jobStepId": 1231
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"Status": "SUCCESS"