The following are the operational APIs associated with the Impact Analysis services:
1. GetCustomBatchStatusForImpactAnalysis
Mandatory Field: batchName.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getCustomBatchStatusForImpactAnalysis |
batchname |
"response": {},
"status": true,
"statusCode": "string",
"statusMsg": "string"
2. getImpactAnalysisByBatchAndObject
Mandatory Field: affectedObjectName, batchName, objectType.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getImpactAnalysisByBatchAndObject |
/api/job/getImpactAnalysisByBatchAndObject |
affectedObjectname, batchname, batchType |
"response": {},
"status": true,
"statusCode": "string",
"statusMsg": "string"
3. GetImpactedObjects
This API is used to retrieve all the impacted objects that are performed in Impact Analysis.
Mandatory Field: affectedId, impactAnalysisId.
- Affected Objectid = {0} or {id}
- If affected objectid = {0} it gives the results of all the affected objects that are under the given {impact analysis id}
- If affected objectid = {id} it gives the results of all the affected objects that are under the given particular {affected objectid} and {impact analysis id}
- Impact Analysis Id = {id}
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getImpactedObjects |
api/job/getImpactedObjects?affectedId={affectedobject id}&impactAnalysisId={imp actanalysisid} |
={affectedobjectid}&impactAnaly sisId={impactanalysisid} |
Response Body
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"ResponseData": {
"impactanalysisid": 1005,
"name": "Test1",
"createdby": "oetest",
"updatedby": "oetest",
"lastmoddate": null,
"createdate": "2020-08-19 16:07:11.0",
"description": "Sample",
"affectedObjects": [
={affectedobjectid}&impactAnaly sisId={impactanalysisid}
"affectedobjectid": 1020,
"impacttype": "LEFT",
"objecttype": "oetable",
"objectid": 1318,
"jobstatus": "SUCCESS",
"jobrundate": "2020-08-19 23:24:40.0", "impactedObjects": [
"affectedobjectid": 1020,
"objecttype": "oetable",
"connectionname": "ovaledgedbmysql", "objectname": "connectioninfo",
"fieldname": null,
"code": "",
"transformtype": null,
"reviewedstatus": "PENDING",
"reviewedby": null,
"revieweddate": null
4. SubmitCustomBatchForImpactAnalysis
Mandatory Field: batchName, clientId, connectionName, objectType, schemaOrLocation, tableOrFileNames.
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
submitCustomBatchForImpactAnalysis |
request |
Request body
"batchName": "string",
"clientId": "string",
"connectionName": "string",
"objectType": "string",
"schemaOrLocation": "string",
"tableOrFileNames": [