Lineage Impact Analysis

How to use Impact Analysis?

Performing Impact Analysis

To perform impact analysis, open the Impact Analysis advanced job and follow the steps given below:

  • Create an Impact analysis entry
  • Add affected objects to the Impact Analysis
  • View the Impact analysis results

1. Create an Impact Analysis Entry 

The Impact Analysis page lists the impact analysis jobs run till date. The details include the details of the last run impact analysis data. Click on Add Impact Analysis option in the nine dots menu to add a new impact analysis entry. 

Provide the name and title and add the new entry. To delete an existing impact analysis entry, select the row, and click on Delete Impact Analysis option in the nine dots menu. 

An impact analysis entry is a holding entity for a set of related affected objects, for which impact analysis can be done and results analyzed together.

2. Add Affected Objects to Impact Analysis Entry

  1. Click on an Impact analysis entry name link to see its details. 
  2. Click on +Affected Objects button to add an affected object to the scope of the Impact analysis. Enter the affected object details and click Add Object button. Multiple affected objects can be added to an impact analysis entry.
  3. Once an affected object is added, the status is shown as ‘PENDING’. 
  4. In addition to this, affected objects can also be added directly to an existing impact analysis entry from the nine dots menu in the object view in Data Catalog section, as shown below.
  5. Once the affected objects have been added to the entry, select the one or more or all the affected objects and trigger the impact analysis by clicking on Discover Impacted Objects in the nine dots menu. 
  6. This will show a popup window where the impact level can be specified. Leaving it empty will fetch impacted objects at all levels.

Once the Impact analysis is triggered, the status of the relevant affected objects changes from:  ‘INIT >> RUNNING >> SUCCESS’.

3. View Impact Analysis Results

As and when the job executions are completed, the summary panel will be updated with the impact analysis summary data, and the affected objects status will change to SUCCESS. A brief explanation of the summary panel data is given below:



Affected id

Represents the id of the affected object which is always unique.

Connection Name 

Represents the name of your connection which you gave in the Crawler page.


Represents the Schema name for your object.


Represents the Name of The Table/Report/file (any objects).

Object Type 

Represents the Type of the object like Table/Report/file, file columns).

Analysis Type 

Represents different types like upstream/downstream/upstream with association/downstream with association.

Job Status 

Represents Success/pending (represent the status like you run the object or not)/(if you run it will change the status from pending after the result it will show the success.)

Job Run Date

It will show the date when the job started.

Impact Count

Will give the count of how many objects are getting impacted for the object.

Impact Level

It represents at what level the impacted object is either upstream or downstream with reference to the selected object.

No. of Downstream Objects

will represent how many objects have been added downstream; it will show the count for that

No. of Upstream Objects

It will show you the Number of objects you added from the upstream shows the count for it (from source side called as upstream).

Downstream with Association 

will give the count for the objects that have been added downstream with association (for destination for how many objects the query has been added).

Upstream with Association

will give the count for how many objects query has been added from source side along with the tables in the lineage.

Total Number of Impacted Objects 

will give the total count for the number of all the impacted objects (upstream/downstream/upstream with association/downstream with association)

To view the full list of impacted objects, click on Impacted Objects tab.

The table provides the list of all impacted objects, for the affected objects specified in the entry. It has the following columns:



Affected id

Id of the affected object

Impact type

  • Transformation: If lineage is direct between table to table or table to file without any intermediate query.
  • View: If a view object is present.
  • Function: If an intermediate function is present.
  • Procedure: If an intermediate procedure is present.

Source Type 

Type of affected object (table/column/report)

Source Connection name 

Name of the affected object connection Database.

Source System: 

Name of the schema of affected object.

Source Object 

Name of the affected object.

Source Field

Name of the affected object column. 

Analysis type

Upstream / Downstream / Upstream with associations / Downstream with associations.

Project Status

Whether the impacted object has been added to a project. User can add it to a project, if needed.

Object type

Type of impacted object.

Connection Name

Name of the impacted object connection database.


Name of the schema of impacted object.


Name of the impacted object.


Name of the impacted object column.

Dataset Connection

Name of the intermediate dataset connection.

Dataset Name

Name of the intermediate dataset.

Job type

Type of the intermediate query object (procedure / view / function / sql etc.)

Responsible code

The code of the intermediate query involved. Hover over the cell to view the full source code.

T/R Code

Transformation code, that is involved in the transformation between the affected object and impacted object.

T/R Type

Transformation type of the transformation code. The value displayed will based on the connector type.

Reviewed status

PENDING / REVIEWED. This is for users to confirm whether the impacted object identified has been verified independently.

Reviewed By

The user who reviewed the impacted object

Reviewed Date

The date on which the review was done



Status of the impacted object. Typically temp lineage objects will be inactive.

Impact Level

The level of separation of the impacted object from the affected object. 

Users can apply various filter options available in the table columns to understand the Impact objects data.

Download Impacted objects

To download Impacted objects as an excel file for offline analysis, click on the Download Impacted Objects option in the nine dots menu.

Manage Impacted objects

Impacted objects can be managed through projects for subsequent activities by stakeholders.

Add Impacted objects to projects

  • Select the Impacted objects.
  • Click on the nine-dot icon on the top right-hand corner of the screen. Click Add to Project option.

Remove Impacted objects from projects

To remove Impacted objects from projects:

  • Select the impacted object by clicking on the checkbox.
  • Click on the nine-dot menu on the top right-hand corner of the screen. Click on Remove from Project option.