The File Folder is a collection of Files where you can crawl files and organize them in File Folders in the OvalEdge application.
The following are the operational APIs associated with the File Folder Services API:
1. Get FileFolder By ConnectionId and FileFolderName
The Get FileFolder By Connection and FileFolderName method return FileFolder, which matches the connection and File Folder name.
Mandatory Field: connectionId
Method | Url | Parameter |
getFileFolderbyFileFolderNameandConnectionId | /api/connection/{connectionId}/filefolders/{filefolderName} | {connectionId},{filefolderName} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"FileFolder": {
"fileFolder": "/ovaledge",
"fileFolderId": 1002,
"roles": null,
"roleAndPermission": null,
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1002,
"connectionName": "s3",
"serverType": "s3",
"owner": null,
"steward": null,
"inserted": false,
"noOfFiles": 0,
"noOfFolders": 0,
"parentFloderId": 0,
"totalSpaceUsed": 0,
"id": 1002,
"fileFolderExpertName": null
2. Get FileFolders By Connection
The Get All FileFolders by Connection method returns list of FileFolder objects.
Mandatory Field: connectionId
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getFileFoldersbyConnection |
/api/connection/{connectionId}/filefolders |
{connectionId} (must be number) |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"fileFolders": [
"fileFolder": "/ovaledge",
"fileFolderId": 1002,
"roles": null,
"roleAndPermission": null,
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1002,
"connectionName": "s3",
"serverType": "s3",
"owner": null,
"steward": null,
"inserted": false,
"noOfFiles": 0,
"noOfFolders": 0,
"parentFloderId": 0,
"totalSpaceUsed": 0,
"id": 1002,
"fileFolderExpertName": null
3. Save FileFolder
(NOTE: This method is deprecated. To create a File Folder, you should use crawlers in the OvalEdge application).
The Save FileFolder creates a new FileFolder with given input through the request body.
Mandatory Field: connectioninfoid, fileFolder, fileFolderId
Method |
Url |
saveFileFolder |
/api/filefolder |
Request Body
"connectioninfoid": 0,*
"fileFolderId": 0,*
"fileFolder": "string"*
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"FileFolder": {
"fileFolder": "/sample/test",
"fileFolderId": 1003,
"roles": null,
"roleAndPermission": null,
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1002,
"connectionName": null,
"serverType": null,
"owner": null,
"steward": null,
"inserted": false,
"noOfFiles": 0,
"noOfFolders": 0,
"parentFloderId": 0,
"totalSpaceUsed": 0,
"id": 1003,
"fileFolderExpertName": null
4. Delete FileFolder
The Delete File Folder method deletes the File Folder with input Id.
Mandatory Field: filefolderId
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
deleteFileFolder |
/api/filefolder/{filefolderId} |
{filefolderId} |
"status": false,
"statusCode": "File Folder with id 1003 is deleted",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {}
5. Get FileFolder By Id
The Get File Folder by Id method return FileFolder with given input Id if it exists.
Mandatory Field: filefolderId
Method |
Url |
Parameter |
getFileFolderbyId |
/api/filefolder/{fileFolderId} |
{fileFolderId} |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"FileFolder": {
"fileFolder": "/ovaledge",
"fileFolderId": 1002,
"roles": null,
"roleAndPermission": null,
"rolesAndPermission": null,
"connectioninfoid": 1002,
"connectionName": "s3",
"serverType": "s3",
"owner": null,
"steward": null,
"inserted": false,
"noOfFiles": 0,
"noOfFolders": 0,
"parentFloderId": 0,
"totalSpaceUsed": 0,
"id": 1002,
"fileFolderExpertName": null
6. Get All FileFolders
The Get All FileFolders method returns a list of FileFolder objects.
Method | Url |
getAllFileFolders | /api/filefolders/all |
"status": true,
"statusCode": "",
"statusMsg": "",
"response": {
"FileFolders": [
"filefolderid": 201,
"filefolder": "/test",
"connectioninfoid": 124,
"inserted": 1,
"owner": "adminuser",
"steward": "user1",
"isinproject": 1,
"crawled": 1,
"nooffiles": 15,
"nooffolders": 2,
"parentfolderid": null,
"totalspaceusedinmb": 25,
"lastcrawleddate": 2019-01-01,
"lastcrawledstatus": "CRAWLED"