Rest API 5.0

DSAR Services

We are assuming that service names are stored as ovaledge child tags under a single parent tag.

1. API listing all fields for specific service

API : /fields/{term}/{servicename}

In the above API request, we have to mention the term name and service name.

Example: A column called ‘Aadhar number’ is associated with a term called  ‘PII’ and with the service name as ‘personal details’ then the API call should look like
API  :   /fields/PII/personal details 

If we make a call as above, we go ahead and bring all the columns alias fields from ovaledge database which are associated with the above PII term and having the tag with the corresponding service name(personal details).

The exceptions for below results will be stored under additional fields:

  • We will give a query where we create exceptions as an additional field for every connection. We will retrieve the information of the exceptions from additional fields of corresponding fields(Columns).



 "serviceName": "personal details",

 "fields": [


     "schemaName": "bpaUser",

     "tableName": "billing_agreement",

     "columnName": "agreement_id",

     "exceptions": ["AccountSuspension","TOSViolation"],

     "OwnerTeamName" : scrum*,

     "OwnerTeamEmail" : scrum*



     "schemaName": "bpaUser",

     "tableName": "billing_agreement",

     "columnName": "paypal_email",

     "exceptions": ["HasTransactions"],

     "OwnerTeamName" : scrum*,

     "OwnerTeamEmail" : scrum*




2. API listing for all service names

API : /fields/{parenttagname}

In this API, we need the parent tag name in order to get all the service names (child tag names). We are considering all the service names are coming under one parent tag.

Example:  “Service Names” is the parent tag and “Transactional Tag”, “Account Tag ” comes under the child tags for service names tag.

API : /fields/Service Names



 "serviceNames": ["name1","name2"]


3. API listing for all fields belong to a term

 API : /fields/{term}

Example : API  : /fields/PII 

In this API, we give all the details of the fields which are associated with the term irrespective of the service name.



 "services": [


     "serviceName": "someValue",

     "fields": [


         "tableName": "billing_agreement",

         "schemaName": "bpaUser",

         "columnName": "agreement_id",

         "exceptions": ["AccountSuspension","TOSViolation"],

         "OwnerTeamName" : scrum*,

         "OwnerTeamEmail" : scrum*



        "schemaName": "bpaUser",

        "tableName": "billing_agreement",

        "columnName": "paypal_email",

        "exceptions": ["HasTransactions"],

        "OwnerTeamName" : scrum*,

        "OwnerTeamEmail" : scr*






4. GetDSARTermFields






orderType, serviceName

Request body


  "status": false,

  "statusCode": "",

  "statusMsg": "",

  "response": {

    "error": "domain name cannot be empty"



5. GetDSARServiceName

Mandatory Field: serviceName.






orderType, serviceName

Request body


  "response": {},

  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "string",

  "statusMsg": "string"


6. GetServiceUri

Method URL Parameter
getServiceUri /api/tagstore/services/serviceUri no

Request body


  "response": {},

  "status": true,

  "statusCode": "string",

  "statusMsg": "string"
